Chapter 12: An Interesting Opportunity

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Serena's POV

"I'm sure I totally won" I said

"I don't know Serena, I actually tried" Ash insisted

I rolled my eyes and opened the progress report, slowly going over each class until I was satisfied. I looked over at Ash and he had a stern look, almost a disappointed one.

"Looks like I won" I smirked 

Ash held out his progress report and I put it next to mine, comparing each class. He had won, by the tiniest amount. 

"What! That's so unfair!" I exclaimed

"Not really, I won fair and square" Ash argued

"You had to have cheated... like a on a test or something!" I insisted 

"No cheating here" Ash replied 

I groaned. "Ok, fine. You won. You're smarter than me. Happy?" 

"Very" Ash smiled "You read the bottom of the letters though?"

Once again picking up my progress report, I skimmed down to the bottom where a note had been imprinted. I guess I had been too caught up in the plus or minus sign next to the A's to notice. 

I took my time reading over the note, and it detailed and interesting opportunity, but one I wasn't so sure of wether or not to take.

"So how about it?" Ash asked

I blushed. "Y-You want do it?"

"Why not?" Ash shrugged 

What is this opportunity you ask? School dorms were being constructed, two people per dorm. 

To be honest, I wasn't so sure if I wanted to move in with Ash. Not that I didn't love him or anything, it was just a big step. Not to mention I still have some trust issues with him. 

"Come on Serena, it'll be fine" Ash noticed the look I was giving the letter as I read it over for the hundredth time

"I... I don't know" I replied

"Well if you don't want to, then I can't make you" Ash slightly frowned 

"I love you Ash, but even you have to admit it's a big step. I'm surprised your so comfortable with it" I explained

"It's something I want to do" Ash said "I know you still might not completely trust me, but if this is what it takes to make it up to you then...."

"Ok" I agreed "We'll do it" 

Ash smiled and got up, throwing his arms around me and pulling me in for a hug. He was a bit taller than me which made it annoying when he teased me about it, or forced me top tip toe to give him a kiss. 

Sometimes he could annoy me but he always made it up with a kiss or his smile that warmed me. It was surprising that he was back. I had spent quite a while truly hating him for what he had done to me, but I guess it wasn't his fault. 

He had done a noble act, sacrificing everyone back in Kalos including me to help out in Galar. It made me proud now, if anything, to have him here. I knew that once school was over... we had a bright future together.

At least I hoped so. Ash was unpredictable, I couldn't lie. Even though he insisted he loved me every day, there was always that small but ever so present suspicion in the back of my head.

If he wanted to, he could drop everything and leave again, which is why I had become paranoid if he was leaving even just the city.

Because it was always like last time, a kiss and a goodbye, but I never really knew if he would come back. 

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