Chapter 62: Strange Dreams

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*Serena's POV

It was currently Saturday night and I was sitting around on our day before the finals for the Kalos Trio Tournament, when an idea popped into my head so I got up and headed to the door until my mom stopped me

"Where are you going at this time?" My mom asked

"I have an idea" Is all I answered with

"An idea that has to do with Ash?" My mom then asked teasingly

"N-No!..... Yes. But thats none of your concern" I confirmed

"Of course it is my concern Serena. I just want you to be happy" My mom replied

"Well then do me a favor and try not to embarrass me when Ash is around" I said

"Your the one that makes it awkward Serena" My mom responded

"I am not awkward!" I shouted and I walked through the door and across the street to Ash's house where I knocked on the door

"Oh, its you" Fiera greeted with some tone

"Hey there, is Ash around?" I asked

"Yeah he's upstairs doing something weird with Gary" She answered

"Are you alright? You look kind of sick" I then asked

"I'm fine, just tired" She assured me

I then noticed that something was different from her outfit. Usually she wore a black shirt with long sleeves and black shorts, but this time she wore a dark green shirt instead

"Nice color change, looks good" I complimented

"Th-Thanks" She replied nervously and I think I could see her blushing every so slightly but it was hard to tell in the dark

I then walked up the stairs and knocked on Ash's door and he opened it pretty quickly as usual

"Hey Serena" He greeted me

"Hey Ash, what are you up to?" I asked

"Watching a documentary" Gary answered

"Oh. Why not watch it in the living room then?" I then asked

"Fiera didn't let us, she said it was weird we wanted to watch a documentary" Gary explained

"So thats what she meant" I muttered as I entered the room

"So Serena, is there something you needed?" Ash asked

"Well Clemont & Bonnie wanted to know if we all wanted to come with them and see the meteor shower tonight" I explained

"Oh I heard about that" Gary replied

"I guess we have nothing better to do" Ash agreed

"Great! Do you want go now?" I asked

"Sure. This is kind of boring" Ash answered

The three of then headed downstairs so that we could invite Fiera and she was sitting in the living room watching TV

"Want to come with us?" Gary asked vaguely

"Go watch your documentary" She replied harshly, not turning to look at Gary

"We're gonna watch a meteor shower, it's going to be lots of fun" I said

"Alright...." She agreed hesitantly

*Time Skip

"So we should be able to spot them from here?" Gary asked

"According to my calculations, we have a perfect view from here" Clemont answered

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