Ash and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that.
Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...
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*Ash's POV
I awoke in my Unova Hotel on a Sunday Morning, and just as I woke up I heard my phone go off, presumably for a text
I was correct as I reached over and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and smiled like I usually do at the picture of Serena I had on my lock screen. It was a nice picture, one I had recently taken of her, she had one eye closed in a wink and she held up a peace sign all topped off with her cute smile. And sure enough it was her who had texted me
"Ash!" She texted with an exclamation mark which confused me
"What's up Serena?" I texted back
"Can you believe it? I got pied by Gary and Shauna!"
"Wish I could've been there to see it, how did it happen anyways?
"The second I stepped out the door of my house to walk to school they were ready, and Shauna got me with it. Gary's idea"
"So what'd you do about it?"
"I had to run back inside to get ready again, and I ended up being late to school so I got a detention..."
"I just woke up, what time is it for you?"
"Just got out of detention not too long ago, around 4:30"
"Barely 9:30 for me"
"What are you doing up so early?"
"I have to get ready for the tournament silly"
"Your the Champion of Kanto Ash, you should have no troubles winning"
"I wish that were the case. I actually haven't improved that much over the past 2 years. Winning the title of champion doesn't make you any stronger"
"That doesn't sound like you. What did you in those years?"
"Work outside of Pokémon battles. Lot of crime activity in Galar"
"You beat people up?"
"I guess you could say that"
"Well you better not be doing that here in Kalos. The Kalos Queen can't be dating a vigilante"
"First of all, I'm not. Secondly, the press don't even know we're dating, that would cause madness. And lastly, I'm not a vigilante"
"Sounds like one to me. Also, we should probably not tell the public about us. We would be bombarded with press"
"I agree, on the second part"
"Ash, can you call me?"
"Yeah I will"
I exited the texting app and through the hologram form my band I called Serena, and didn't take long for the high quality screen to display her face, and she giggled when she first saw me
"What's so funny?" I asked
"Nice bedhead" My girlfriend teased
"What do you mean? It's always like this" I replied
"It's a lot worse today though. Too bad I'm not there to comb it" Serena said
"I wish you were here too, but I'm keeping my promise" I reinforced
"Mhm. Oh yeah, speaking of vigilantes there's a new one" Serena revealed
"A new one?" I questioned sounding surprised
"They say he wears all red, some kind of devilish suit" Serena described
"Strange. You sure it's not an early halloween costume?" I questioned
"No, he beats people up..... badly" Serena denied
"Do you know Neptune's identity?"
"Yeah I do, do you?"
"Yup" I confirmed
"How do I know your not lying to get me to say it...." Serena said suspiciously
"Serena I'm being serious" I replied
"Ok, why'd you ask?" Serena inquired
"You sure it's not him in a new suit?" I then asked
"No it can't be. Witnesses say there was actually a fight between the two"
"A fight? Who won?"
"Cops arrived before it could end. Both were badly injured but they got away" Serena said and she put her index finger to her lips in a cute way as if she was thinking about something
"Anyways, I have to get to training" I sighed as I got off the bed
"Talk to you soon. Don't flirt with any girls" Serena replied and I gave have my 'really?' look so she giggled and gave a small wave before the call ended
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The weekend had gone by relatively quick and it was time for the tournament begin. It was set up so that viewers in Kalos would be in school and watching the battles live as they took place in Unova
Ash was in the first battle and he was up against a trainer named Samuel who was about his age as well
"Samuel Huh? Seems like an interesting guy" Leya said and Gary chuckled a bit
"Cut it out Gary" Shauna whispered quietly
"I'm sorry, still not use to it" He apologized
"Well if your done laughing at my accent, the battle is starting" Leya pointed out with an American accent
To be continued.....
Author's note: I just published a new book both on amourshipping. The book is my first one that takes place outside of the Pokemon world. It has a unique plot and is inspired off lots of other fiction, it's called "Camp of The Elite". If you like my writing style, then feel free to check out the book, but until then, thanks for viewing thus far.