Chapter 31: The Ties

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Chapter Synopsis: The tension between Kalos and Galar is about to reach a climax with both regions readying themselves for the battle ahead. Ash and Serena in the mean time are hanging around, until Matt decides to pay them a visit and question them on a friend of theirs. 

"I think it should go.... here!" Ash said as he found the perfect spot for an Espeon on Serena's poster

Ash and Serena were currently working together on a poster project based on the evolution of Eeevee. Well, Serena's poster project.... point was Ash had offered to help her and Serena had accepted not only because she adored him so much, but because he was surprisingly and awfully good at these kind of projects

"Yeah I think thats the best position for it" Serena agreed as she glued on the picture

"Well then I guess we're done" Ash stated

"Yeah we are, thanks a lot" Serena thanked her crush

"No problem Serena, I thought i'd pay you back for all that tutoring" Ash chuckled

"We don't work on a 'pay me back' relationship Ash" Serena reminded with a bright smile that Ash loved so much

"You got that right" Ash replied as he got up and offered out his hand for Serena to take, and she did and was gracefully pulled up

"So how about we go out and.... celebrate?" Serena suggested hesitantly, afraid that Ash would be leaving so soon

"Sure!" Ash reluctantly agreed and Serena sighed with relief which confused Ash, and the two began to make their way out of Serena's house and towards Lumiose City, their usual "date" spot

"Ash?" Serena spoke after a few minutes of silence, but not an awkward silence, a silence that was ever so peaceful between the two

"Yes?" He asked back gently 

"Would you rather be the champion of Kalos or Kanto?" Serena asked curiously, hoping that his answer would help him stay in Kalos

"Thats a tough question. With Kanto, It would be like being the Champion of the place where I began my journey, it's pretty symbolic so I guess it would be pretty cool" Ash begun his answer to Serena's disappointment and fear, but Ash continued "But Kalos is my home now, I would much rather be the champion here so I could get to stay"

"So if you win the Kalos League you'll one hundred percent stay!?" Serena asked excitingly 

"I wouldn't have a choice, plus, I guess I would achieved my dream" Ash answered

"Yeah you would've" Serena affirmed, absolutely ecstatic that her dream boy would stay with her if he were to win..... the biggest challenge of his life so far "Um Ash, what have you heard about the Kalos League?"

"Much like every time I go and enter a league, I don't really know anything about it. I like to be surprised" Ash replied

"Oh..... well it's suppose to be the hardest league in all of the regions" Serena revealed quietly, not wanting to ruin Ash's confidence, but to her pleasure, it was not

"Then I'm only ever more determined to get in there and win" Ash assured


Kalos's biggest ally and biggest threat was none other than a 16 year old boy who was also friends with a girl who was of the upmost popularity in the region. His name.... Neptune. He had received the name in ancient times when a sinner would walk past the meteor crash site alongside a river. They say that if the sin was large enough, you would be dragged into the river and never seen again

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