Chapter 21: The Cold Leads to Emotion

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*Serena's POV

I awoke on December 19th for Ash's sixth gym battle, and we would need to decide where to go for it

"Pi?" Pikachu asked as I sat up

"Pikachu? You slept on my bed?" I asked back

"Pika!" He confirmed

"Aw, thats so cute. And yeah, we do need to wake up Ash" I replied as I got up and walked over to his bed

He looked so peaceful when he slept but I needed to wake him up so I tapped on his shoulder

"Huh?" Ash asked but he kept his eyes closed and his position

"Ash you have to wake up, its time for your gym battle" I said

"We can go later" He mumbled

"But we don't even know where were going!" I replied and I tugged on his arm

"Ok, ok" He sighed and he opened his eyes and sat up "So what choices do we have?"

"Theres only two gyms I can think of. Snowbell City and Anistar City" I answered

"Lets go with Snowbell City then, I heard some interesting things from there" Ash decided

"You have?" I asked

"Sawyers already defeated that gym" Ash answered

"Wait, Sawyer is entering the Kalos League?"

"Yeah he's only missing Clemont and Valeryie's badge" Ash replied as he got off the bed "So I got to step up my game if I want to catch up"

"Well if Sawyer has defeated that gym then you should have no problem defeating it" I said but he shook his head

"Your underestimating Sawyer just because I beat him each time. Theres a lot of factors that go into winning a gym battle. You wouldn't really understand.... no offense" Ash explained

"None taken, I get it now" I replied

"Now I should probably text Clemont to tell him were going" Ash said

"Right, I'll go make breakfast" I then said

"Thanks Serena, your the best"

*Time Skip

"So what Pokemon are you using for this gym anyways?" I asked as we ate our breakfast

"It's an Ice Type Gym so probably Pikachu, Greninja and Sceptile" Ash replied

"You and Sceptile are still really close after the incident, it's amazing" I said

"That was just a fluke, I'd never let something like that get in the way of my bond with my Pokemon" Ash explained

"Yeah I know" I already understood

"Pi!" Pikachu said and he began to pour Ketchup over Ash's food

"Pikachu! Thats gross! You know I don't like Ketchup on my food!" Ash complained

"Pika pi!" He replied

"You've made me try it so many times already, I don't like it" Ash sighed

"Does he always do that?" I asked

"He's obsessed with ketchup, annoyingly" Ash answered as he pet Pikachu

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed and he began to dig into Ash's food

"So he does that to steal your food?"

"Mostly" Ash replied

"Sounds like a handful" I giggled and Ash nodded his head

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