Chapter 53: Preparations

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*Third Person POV

It was a Wednesday and Serena was up early that day eating breakfast ahead of schedule with some things on her mind

"Good morning Serena. Something wrong?" Grace asked

"Hi mom. And I'm just kind of thinking about something" She replied

"Do you want to talk about it?" Grace then offered as she sat across from Serena

"You see, I'm competing with Ash and another friend in the Kalos Trio Tournament. I practically begged Ash to help me because the trophy is so nice. And of course he accepted because it's in his interest also since it's about battling. But I may have a made a mistake......" Serena explained

"A mistake?" Grace then asked

"I'm no good at battling, and I can't just rely on them to carry me. I messed up.... were going to loose now" I said as I put my forehead on the table 

"Serena, I'm sure if you try your very best, that Ash will be pleased with how you do!" Grace replied

"I sure hope so, I should probably go and confess though" She said

"Well you go on and do that then" Grace agreed

Serena then finished her breakfast slowly, subconsciously not wanting to confront Ash about the tournament, but she knew she had to so once she finished she said goodbye to her mom and rushed across the street before knocking on Ash's door

"Hello there Serena! What can I do for you today?" Delia asked

"I need to speak with Ash really quickly if thats fine with you" She answered

"Absolutely, he should be in the kitchen" Delia replied

Serena thanked Delia and then walked over to the kitchen to find Ash, Gary and Fiera deep in some kind of conversation

"Thats not true Gary" Ash said

"Yes it is! I swear!" He insisted 

"Just shut up Gary. We all know that didn't happen" Fiera said with annoyance

*Serena's POV

"Um, hey guys" I nervously said and they turned to see me

"Oh hey Serena, what up?" Ash asked

"I just need to talk to you about something" I replied nervously and I also saw Gary raise his eyebrow at me 

"Alright then" Ash agreed and he got up from his seat and followed me back to the living room

"You see, I think I made a mistake" I admitted as we sat entered the room

"Well what did you do?" Ash then asked

"Um, I'm just sorry I asked you to be my teammate for the tournament. I know how much you like battling and you probably really want to win. But I'm no good at battling....." I explained as I put my head down and awaited Ash's response

"Serena, it doesn't matter to me if your good at battling or not. Just try your absolute best and we can do the rest! Also your pretty good at battling for your experience, it's quite impressive. Plus your forgetting what I taught you" Ash replied

"Never give up until it's over" I restated 

"Thats right. Also we have five days to prepare for the tournament. Thats lots of time to practice our trio battling" Ash pointed out

"I guess your right, but I still don't know if I can do it" I said 

I then felt Ash's hand get placed on my chin as he titled my head up which made me start to blush like crazy

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