Ash and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that.
Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...
"So this is the Ash Ketchum i've heard about" Clemont's dad greeted
"Hey there! Nice to meet you" He said
"The pleasure is mine. Call me Meyer" Clemont's dad replied
"So you're already to go?" I asked Ash
"Never been more ready" He confirmed as we entered the gym
"Wow, it looks so cool" I said
"We spent a lot of time on the design" Clemont replied
"Now Ash. I want to you give my son everything you have! I want to see just what kind of gym leader he is!" Meyer asked of
"I will! Theres no holding back here" Ash agreed
A robot then walked into the room and stood where the ref would go
"Who is that?" Ash asked
"Thats Clembot" Clemont answered
"Oh so thats him" I replied
"Right. He'll be acting as the ref" Meyer said
"You built a whole robot?" Jason asked
"Yeah I did" Clemont confirmed
"So you can build that but all your inventions blow up...." Jason said quietly and Clemont laughed nervously
"This will be a three on three Pokemon battle! Once all three Pokemon from either side can no longer continue, the match will end! Trainers bring out your Pokemon!" Clembot stated
"Pikachu, I choose you!" Ash said as he pointed his index finger forward, and Pikachu hopped onto the battlefield
"Your up Bunnelby!" Clemont shouted and he released his first Pokemon
"Now, let the battle begin!" Clembot said
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"Pikachu lets begin with Thunderbolt!" Ash started
"Bunnelby create a dust cloud with your ears!" Clemont replied
Pikachu then jumped up and fired a Thunderbolt mid air, but Bunnelby used it's strong ears to slap the ground which created a dust cloud strong enough to stop the attack
"Wow that was a good strategy" I said
"Clemont's really powerful!' Bonnie replied
"Now Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Ash commanded
"Catch it!" Clemont shouted back
Pikachu went on the offense again as it's tail became made out of steel, and it dashed forward and went in for an Iron Tail, but Bunnelby once again made use of it's ears and caught his tail and then tossed him back