Part 3 Chapter 1: Shattered Relationship

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Quick Warning: From here on out, the story will be a lot more mature

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Quick Warning: From here on out, the story will be a lot more mature

If being "half notorious" was a thing, then that would describe the figure walking down the halls at a steady pace towards the massively out of character girl who leaned against her locker, arms crossed and eyes closed

"What's wrong with you?"

"Ash is back"

"Yeah I could sense that ever since he arrived. Finding you was the first thing he did"

"I don't care, he shouldn't have bothered"

"Your being stubborn"

"I have every right to be" Serena replied

"No. You love him, so you should hear him out" Neptune disagreed

"I don't love him!" Serena snapped

"You had your heart broken by the boy you loved for years and years. But sometimes you need to open your eyes and look at the bigger picture. Do you still love him? No immediate responses, you have to think about it" Neptune explained

Serena hesitantly followed the advice she had been given and memories with Ash began to flow through her head but she stopped and said "I-I don't know"

"That's more then a no. I've proven my point" Neptune said

"I said I don't know! That could still mean no" Serena denied

"But you didn't say no. Hesitance, caution and confusion all linger in your head, but you'll come to a consensus soon enough" Neptune replied as he began to walk away "Now get to class"

"Your not my dad!" Serena fired back

"Stop-" Neptune was going to say but he stopped himself

"Got you there, I win" Serena triumphantly said

"I was going to call you something but I'm choosing not to" Neptune muttered

"Well say it" Serena replied



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