Chapter 47: Emotions

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*Serena's POV

"Serena? Serena...." My mom said 

 I slowly opened my eyes to see my mom standing next to my bed, so I looked at the alarm clock and she had woken me up 15 minutes early for school today, a Monday by the way.

"What is it mom?" I asked tiredly 

"You have a letter from Ash" She answered and I bursted awake as I sat up really quick

"A letter? Must be important" I said

"I assume so consider he didn't just text you" My mom replied

"I-I haven't given him m-my number" I explained

"Well you should get around to that, it would really help you out with that crush of yours" My mom then said

"I do not have a crush on Ash!" I shouted as i took the letter out of the envelope 

"Dear Serena, 

Sorry to inform you on such notice, but I have to attend to something in Unova, so by the time you get this letter, I'm already gone. This time I promise I'll be back though, I just don't know when. I look forward to seeing you again Serena....

                          From your friend,

                                  Ash Ketchum

P.S. If your wondering how I made this letter sound so formal, I had help from Gary, who is surprisingly good at writing" The letter explained 

"Care to tell me what it says?" My mom asked

"Ash left me again" I groaned in annoyance as I laid back down 

I then handed my mom then letter and she read over it, chuckling at the end

"Sounds like its important business Serena. And he promised he's coming back, do you not trust him?" My mom then asked

"I trust him! It's just..... i'm bored now" I answered 

"Well how about you go and get ready for school so you can do something fun with your friends" My mom suggested

"Alright" I sighed

While Ash leaving for however long he needed to left me upset, I also wasn't surprised that this happening. I didn't even know for what possible reason he would need to go to Unova for, it was like he needed a break from Kalos. Or from me.....

*Skip 25 minutes

"Hey guys" I said as I approached my large group of friends

"Hey Serena, get the letter?" Gary asked

"Yeah I did" I answered with no emotion in my tone or facial expression

"That looks doesn't suit you Serena" Shauna said

"Yeah only Fiera can pull that off" Gary added innocently

We then watched as Fiera looked at Gary, and used only her eyes to give a mean look which scared Gary off. I really was putting in effort to have no emotion or facial expression, as ironic as it sounds, but this attractive girl that Ash & Gary knew since their childhood somehow managed to do it so naturally, I wonder if something had happened in the past

"How do you do that?" I then blurted out, referring to Fiera as my normal facial expression returned 

"I don't know" Is all she replied with 

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