Chapter 32: Climbing The Gym Wall

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We join our heroes as they make their way through Cyllage City, on the way to Ash's second Gym Battle. Ash however, has stopped for a quick match to prepare himself

"Are we almost there?" Gary asked

"Kind of" Serena answered

"Well Ash is getting ready anyways" Drew said

"Classic Ash" Kiawe replied

"Pikachu use Iron Tail!" Ash commanded

"Blast Burn!" Jason responded

Pikachu tail changed to steel as it dashed forward but Charizard use Blast Burn and the big attack hit Pikachu and sent him flying back

"Closing the distance is what you'll need for this gym" Jason advised

"Ive got to work on that then" Ash replied

"Charizard, create a line of fire" Jason then instructed

Charizard used Flamethrower on the ground and the fire spread across the battlefield, separating the two halves

"Alright Pikachu, use Quick Attack and get over it!" Ash said

"Use Thunder Fang!" Jason replied

Pikachu glowed white and dashed forward with Quick Attack but mid air he was met by Charizard's Thunder Fang which sent him flying back again

"Now block this. Charizard, Flare Blitz!" Jason commanded

"Block it with Iron Tail!" Ash shouted

Charizard was then surrounded in an aura of flames as it flew forward like a spear and Pikachu jumped forward and flipped forward, attempting to use Iron Tail to block. They struggled for a bit but eventually Pikachu's block was successful

"Alright Pik-" Ash was about to say but Pikachu was met by another Flamethrower

"Think fast" Jason said

"Oh man, I guess your right" Ash replied as he scratched the back of his head

"Where'd Jason learn how to battle like that?" Kenny asked

"No one knows" Aria answered

"You don't know either Aria?" Serena asked

"I don't" She confirmed

"Alright then, i'm ready for the next level" Ash announced

"Charizard, Mega Evolve!" Jason replied

Jason tapped the keystone attached to his wristband and Charizard Mega Evolved in response

"Flare Blitz" Jason started

"Use Iron Tail again just like you did last time!"

Mega Charizard once again surrounded itself an aura of flames, but this time we could feel the heat radiating off it, and it charged forward with even more speed then before. Pikachu performed its same defensive trick, and it was a struggle again until Charizard made it through and Pikachu was sent crashing into Ash, knocking him over

"Ash! Are you alright?" Serena called out

"Im fine. Are you alright Pikachu?" Ash asked

"Pika!" He answered

"Your also using Froakie yeah?" Jason asked

"I sure am. Come on out Froakie!" Ash said and he released the small blue frog Pokemon

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