"Welcome one and all to the 15th annual Kalos Trio Tournament finals! This match will be between Ash, Serena & Jason against Mal, Colli and Magna!" The Announcer stated and the crowd cheered"All ready to go?" Jason asked
"I got what I need" Ash answered
"Same here" Serena added and Pikachu hopped onto her shoulder
"Pika!"Pikachu exclaimed
"Ready to go Pikachu?" Serena asked
"Pika pi!" He confirmed
"Then let's do this" Ash said as they entered the battlefield and saw their opponents
"We finally get to battle the fierce and cute Kantonian" Magna said and she winked at Ash which made Serena instantly jealous
"I guess so, but we're not loosing" Ash replied
"Thats right!" Serena added
"This will be a three on three triple Pokémon battle! Once all three Pokémon on either side can no longer continue, the match will end! Trainers bring out your Pokémon!" The Ref stated
"Go Charizard!" Mal shouted
"Go Metagross!" Magna also shouted
"Go Alakazam" Colli said calmly
"Your up Charizard" Jason exclaimed
"Sceptile, I choose you!" Ash added
"Battle with me Pikachu!" Serena finished and Pikachu hopped off her shoulder and joined the field
"So Serena's battling with Pikachu!" Dawn exclaimed excitingly
"That's an excellent idea" Clemont said
"They are still slightly under powered though" Sawyer stated
"Mega Evolve!" Every battler except Serena then said and their Pokémon all Mega Evolved
"Ash is going with Mega Sceptile!" Drew exclaimed
"And it's a Mega Charizard X and Y!" Trevor also exclaimed
"This will be an entertaining fight for sure" Miette said
"One for the history books" Aria finished
"That Charizard...." Colli said in shock
"What about it?" Magna asked
"It's battle power is equivalent to Mal's" Colli revealed
"That's crazy talk" Mal refuted
"The scouter doesn't lie" Colli mocked and Mal scoffed
"Let the match begin!" The Ref shouted
"Let's test it then. Charizard use Flamethrower!" Mal started
"Charizard counter with Flamethrower!" Jason quickly replied
Both Mega Charizard's then fired a Flamethrower and they cancelled out with a big smoke cloud in the center of the field
"Preposterous" Mal said
"No matter. Metagross use Meteor Mash!" Magna commanded
"Charizard use Blast Burn!" Jason responded
Mega Metagross was then surrounded in a bright blue flame as it charged forward but was stopped by Mega Charizard Y's Blast Burn
"Alakazam use Psybeam" Colli muttered

Pokémon High: An Amourshipping Story
FanfictionAsh and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...