*Third Person POV
Ash woke up for his first full day in Kalos and his first day of School with a big thunderbolt
"Hey! What was that for!" Ash said
"Pika pi!" Pikachu replied
Ash quickly turned to his alarm and he began to panic as he realized he saw the time
"It's 8:45! I need to be at school by 9!" Ash shouted and he rushed to get his clothes ready
He ran downstairs, grabbed a quick toast and ran out with Pikachu running by his side
*With Serena
"Where's Ash though?" Serena asked as she, Gary and Fiera entered the school
"Oh he was still sleeping" Fiera said
"But he's going to be late...." Serena replied
"Is it that big of a deal?" Gary asked
"Yeah it is" Serena answered
"Well is there some kind of assembly today? There's no one" Fiera said
"That right, follow me" Serena said and the two followed Serena until they entered a large dome that had a battlefield in the middle and they could see all the students gathered
"Up there" Serena said as she pointed to the very top of the stands on their left so they rushed up the stairs and sat down next to some people
"Hey guys!" Serena exclaimed as the three of them sat down
"Hey Serena! Who are these guys?" Shauna asked
"This is Gary and this is Fiera. They moved here along with Ash who you'll meet later" Serena explained
"Nice to meet you two! My names Shauna" Shauna said
"And I'm Tierno!" Tierno said
"I'm Trevor!" Trevor added
"My names Calem" Calem said
"And I'm Miette" Miette finished
"Where are the others though?" Serena asked
"There was too many people so there around here somewhere" Miette replied
"Welcome everyone! I hope you all are going to have a marvelous first day of school!" Professors Sycamore announced
He then talked about other stuff but they noticed Ash really was late
"So is this Ash coming?" Tierno asked
"Yeah he's super late" Trevor added
"I'm sure he'll come" Gary answered
We then saw someone walk into the room and we saw Ash looking around and everyone in the dome turned to him
"A late student! Tell me, what's your name?" Sycamore asked
"My names Ash Ketchum!" Ash answered
"Well Ash your late! And that's unexcusable!" Sycamore replied
"Oh no" Ash's friends all said
"That's alright Professor, he was with me" Jason said as he entered into the dome and stood at Ash's side
"Ah Jason! So you've decided on attending, great! Ash will excused then" Sycamore said and Serena + the others sighed with relief
Jason then whispered something into Sycamore's ear and he along with Ash nodded their heads

Pokémon High: An Amourshipping Story
FanfictionAsh and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...