Chapter 8 Part 2

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"This will be a three on three Pokemon battle! Once all Pokemon from either side can no longer continue, the match will end! Trainers, bring out your first Pokemon!"

"Let's go Empoleon!" Samuel chose first

"Torterra, I choose you!" Ash chose second

"Trainers, begin.... now!"

"Start this off with Hydro Pump!" Samuel began

"Use Solar Beam!" Ash countered

Empoleon stepped forward and opened its mouth in order to charge a Hydro Pump, but it collided with Solar Beam in the center of the battlefield as the two attacks clashed. Torterra's attack had a Type Advantage however, and the attack went through and hit the Water & Steel Type

"Use Ice Beam!" Samuel said

Torterra was then left unable to move as an Ice Beam hit its feet, freezing its legs down onto the ground

"Now use Metal Claw!" Samuel pressured

"Stop that with Frenzy Plant!" Ash replied

Empoleon's arms began to glow white as it charged forward, but it was sent flying back once the giant vines rose up and smacked the Pokemon away

"Hydro Pump!" Samuel followed up

The Water & Steel Type fired off a Hydro Pump from its mouth that hit Torterra as it was left no time to react

"Use Frenzy Plant to free yourself and attack!" Ash instructed

Vines rose up from the ground once more and a few of them whipped the ice at Torterra's legs, freeing it of its ice captivity while Empoleon used Metal Claw to deflect the rest of the vines

"Go! Aqua Jet!" Samuel shouted

Empoleon bent its arms back and propelled water from them so that it flew forward, slamming into Torterra, making the Grass & Ground Type stumble back

"Torterra use Leaf Storm!" Ash commanded

Torterra fought back with a strong Leaf Storm that was clearly trained up well, and the attack hit Empoleon, sending it flying up into the air before it crashed back down into the ground

"Hydro Pump!" Samuel continued

Empoleon wasn't quite done just yet, and it continued the battle as it quickly recovered and fired another Hydro Pump which did minimal damage, but it was still there

"Keep pushing with Frenzy Plant!" Ash said

"Stop it with Metal Claw and then counter with an Aqua Jet & Hydro Pump combo!" Samuel retaliated effectively

Torterra stomped onto the ground using its front two feet which caused the giant vines to rise up, but Empoleon was able to fend them off using Metal Claw, before using Aqua Jet to slam into it hard, and as Empoleon bounced off, it fired a Hydro Pump which left the two Pokemon at equal damage

"Empoleon has a Type Disadvantage, yet the two seem to be at equal health" Leya stated and Gary once again chuckled

"Gary stop" Shauna whispered to him

"I told you, it's hard to get use to" He reminded

"Ash will come out on top though" Serena assured confidently

"Use Metal Claw!" Samuel shouted

"Giga Impact!" Ash shouted back

The two Pokemon charged at each other and were both able to land attacks, which sent the two flying back behind their trainers, fainted

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