We join Ash as he enters the classroom for his second day of school to find his Alolan friends gathered around Lillie's desk. The previous day Ash had also receive his Rotom Dex that floated around him and filled him in on information.
"Whats going on?" Ash asked
"Were just taking a look at the egg" Kiawe answered
"Has it gotten closer to hatching?" Ash then asked
"It sure has, we think its going to hatch soon!" Mallow replied with excitement
"I estimate its only going to be a few more days before its ready!" Rotom Dex exclaimed
"How exciting, I wonder what Pokemon it is" Ash wondered
"We're still not entirely sure" Sophocles replied
"Hey everybody! today were heading out into the Alolan forest to do some Pokemon research" Professor Kukui said as he entered the room
"This will be good time for Ash to see and catch some Alolan Pokemon" Lana pointed out
"Thats right!" Ash replied
"Are you going to be alright Lillie?" Mallow asked
"I-Im going to be fine! As long as they don't come close to me!" Lillie answered with the mix of confidence and nervousness
*Skip 15 minutes
"The forests in Alola sure so seem peaceful" Ash said
"They are for the most part" Kukui replied
"I estimate theres an 98% chance of us encountering a wild Pokemon out here" Rotom Dex analyzed
"Hey check it out theres a Rowlet!" Lana pointed out as she pointed to a forest
"Rowlet, the Grass Quill Pokemon! This wary Pokémon uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night and it silently glides, drawing near its target before they even notice it, and it begins to pelt them with vicious kicks" Rowlet described
"Wow! How cool!" Ash said, loud enough to startle Rowlet
Rowlet acted in defense and pecked Ash in the head as it flew over
"Ow!" Ash complained and he rubbed his head
"Looks like you startled it" Lana replied
"But it looks like he has an interest in you" Kiawe pointed out as Rowlet landed on Ash's head
"Do Rowlet usually do this?" Ash asked
"Not really" Rotom Dex answered
"Rowlet!" Rowlet then said
"Rowlet says it wants you to follow it.." Rotom Dex translated
"Follow it? Where could it want Ash to go?" Sophocles asked
"Im not sure, I guess we have to find out" Kukuo answered
Rotom then began to fly away slowly so the group followed it to where they eventually made it to a different part of the forest. It then landed and began to look around as if it was waiting for something or someone
"Why are we here?" Kiawe asked
"Looks like something is suppose to come" Mallow replied
"O-Or someone!" Lillie added nervously
"Im sure it will all be-" Sophocles was about to say
Something had interrupted Sophocles though, at the speed of light something zoomed by and was gone in an instant

Pokémon High: An Amourshipping Story
FanfictionAsh and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...