Chapter 14: Arrival in Alola

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We join Ash as he's about to leave for Alola, saying goodbye to his friends in the open area airport.

"You just got here and your already taking a vacation" Shauna said

"Its quite ironic" Tierno added

"Yeah but its only for a little bit" Ash replied

"Do you really have to go?" Serena asked

"I want to go Serena" Ash answered

"Aw...." She complained

"Do you know where to go once you arrive in Alola though?" Gary asked

"The Professor of that region will be there waiting for me" Ash replied

"Oh. I wonder who it could be" May said

"Yeah I don't think i've heard of the Alolan Professor" Iris added

"I heard he was an interesting guy" Clemont said

"What do you know about him?" Ash asked

"He runs the Pokemon School you'll be attending in the mean time" Clemont answered

"How cool, I wonder how different Alolan school can be compared to Kalos school" Dawn said

"Im sure it can't be too different" Someone said

The group turned and Jason was walking up to them with another familiar face hiding behind him

"You forgot your disguise again?" Serena asked

"Yeah I did" Aria whispered

"Well its a good thing your here Jason, I wanted to have a battle with you before I go to Alola" Ash said

"Lets do it then" He agreed

*Skip 1 minute

"This will be a one on one Pokemon battle! Once both Pokemon from either side are unable to battle, the match will end. Trainers bring out your Pokemon!" Clemont declared

"Your up Pikachu" Ash said

"Lets go Charizard" Jason then said

"Charizard VS Pikachu" Trevor pointed out

"Will Pikachu be alright?" Serena asked

"Pikachu will be just fine, he's really impressive" Iris answered

"Thats right, Pikachu has defeated a lot of Pokemon stronger than it" Dawn confirmed

"Let the match begin!" Clemont shouted

"Use Dragon Claw!" Jason commanded

"Pikachu use Quick Attack!" Ash responded

Charizard roared and then rushed forward with Dragon Claw as Pikachu glowed white and dashed forward, but Pikachu had the speed advantage as it slammed into Charizard before it could land its attack

"Thunderbolt!" Ash quickly shouted and Charizard was electrocuted

"Flamethrower!" Jason shouted back

"Use Quick Attack to dodge" Ash replied quickly again

Charizard fired a Flamethrower but it missed as Pikachu jolted to the side with Quick Attack and retreated to Ash's side

"Charizard, Mega Evolve" Jason then said, getting serious

The group watched as Charizard Mega Evolved and prepared for battle

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