Chapter 18: An Embarrassing Reunion

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We join our heroes on the last day of Ash's one month in Alola as he prepares to return home alongside Kiawe, Lana, Mallow and Lillie

"Well it was fun Professor! Thanks so much!" Ash said

"The pleasure was all mine Ash, thank you" Kukui replied

"We'll make sure to come visit sometime" Kiawe said

"Yup!" Mallow added

"You guys go and improve in Kalos!" Sophocles then said

"You too Sophocles, we want to see the inventing go to a different level!" Lillie responded

The airport then announced what was Ash and the Alolan's flight so their goodbye was cut off

"Thats our cue!" Lana said

"Ill see you guys another time!" Professor Kukui replied

"Right" Sophocles added

"Bye!" They all responded

Ash and the Alolans then boarded the plane with all our stuff as they sat down next to each other for a long flight to Kalos

"Is the flight really that long?" Kiawe asked

"Yeah we should arrive in Kalos in the middle of the day" Ash answered

"Well I don't see myself staying up that long" Lillie said

"Me neither" Lana agreed

The group then decided to take a rest while somewhere in Kalos, a group gathered

*Kalos / 2:40

Serena and all her friends gathered up at her house except for Calem who had.... plans....

"3 Pm right?" Clemont asked

"Thats w-what they said" Gary replied nervously

"Are you still frightened?" Shauna asked

"N-No!" He answered and the others sighed

"I wonder what could be waiting for us" Kenny wondered

"Im not sure but they made it sound like a pleasant surprise" Miette replied

"Or a bad one" Iris said

"A bad surprise?" Dawn asked

"Well to be fair it could be anything" Drew pointed out

"Yeah a talking Ekans wants to give us some kind of surprise" May said

"It doesn't get weirder than that" Gary added

"So no one has any ideas what it could be?" Serena asked

"Totally clueless" Miette answered

"Theres only one way to find out" Trevor said

"How?" Serena asked

".....By going and finding out" Fiera replied

"Oh, right" Serena said nervously and she scratched the back of her head

*At the same time, in an airport

Ash and the other Alolan's boarded off the plane where two of them was able to recognize someone awaiting them

"Looks like Ash is back from his one month, and he's brought Kiawe" Jason said

"So we do meet again" Kiawe replied

"You two know each other?" Ash asked

"Its a long story" Jason answered

"For another time" Kiawe added

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