Chapter Synopsis: As the plan to recover Ash's memory becomes more stable, Neptune puts his sights on the people responsible for his memory loss....
Warning: PG-13 Chapter
*Serena's POV / Tuesday / Performing
"Is something wrong Serena?" Ash asked me as he waved his hand in front of my face
"Huh? Oh sorry about that, I just need to do something real quick again" I answered
"Alright then" Ash agreed
I then walked over to Aria & Jason again who were conversing with Kiawe
"Um, excuse me" I said once I had an opportunity to speak and the three of them looked at me
"Hey Serena, whats up?" Aria asked
"I know I'm suppose to go to Hoenn and get the rainbow leaf, but how do I find it?" I asked back
"We're currently working on a map for it, don't worry about it" Kiawe assured
"Oh. And what about the Alakazite? I heard those are really rare" I asked
"I've got a plan" Jason answered and I raised my eyebrow
"Well don't do anything crazy" I warned and he smirked
*Time skip / Third Person POV
Neptune examined the hologram above his right wrist and began to do scans for mega evolution energy until a city wide map up
He then narrowed the search down to Alakazite and two results came up. One of them was in a location where people don't usually go so he knew his target was there
"So your my next target..... Colli" Neptune said out loud
*Time Skip
Neptune stood at the cliff side looking down onto a path that entered the cave below him, and he was awaiting for his target to appear in sight, to which he eventually did
Colli was walking on the trail looking left and right continuously to make sure he was safe, but one time he turned right and then turn forward and stumbled back as he bumped into someone
"What the heck" Colli said out loud as he looked up and saw the figure before him
"So we meet again" Neptune said
"Y-You... we got rid of you!" Colli replied and his scouter then indicated his battle power was a 10,000 compared to the human max of 500
"Hand over the Alakazite" Neptune demanded as he pointed his sword at Colli's forehead
"The Alakazite? Never" Colli said
"I should tell you that keeping the Alakazite extracts a heavy price. One you won't be able to see" Neptune warned as he stabbed his sword into the ground
"Is that what you came here for? To tell me that? I'd like to get back to what I was doing" Colli asked
"I came because this mission is two birds and one stone" Neptune answered and he faced his palm to the sky as a purple and black energy ball formed
"What else could you possibly want? I've done nothing!" Colli demanded and Neptune chuckled
"Why are you laughing!" Colli then shouted
"Lysandre said the same thing" Neptune said and Colli felt nothing but absolute fear
"Take it" Colli replied and he handed out the Alakazite

Pokémon High: An Amourshipping Story
FanfictionAsh and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...