Chapter 27: Innocent?

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"With all due respect sir, this is ridiculous" Serena flat out stated

"Well there's video evidence" Professor Sycamore replied

"But how is that possible! I swear I didn't do this" Ash insisted

Ash and Serena were currently in Professor Sycamore's office since Ash has been called upon

*A couple of minutes before

"Ash your needed in Professor Sycamore's office" The teacher announced

"Huh? What for?" Ash asked

"Something about that Pikachu of yours"

"Oh come on, Professor Sycamore can't seriously believe this" Ash complained

"There's vídeo proof" A student said

"What!? But I didn't do it!" Ash denied

"It's ok Ash, we'll prove your innocence, let's just go" Serena said

"You sound your like your coming to" Ash replied

"Because I am, come on" Serena said

"Serena, you were not called so considering that, you have to stay" The teacher interjected

"Actually I could be a witness and a big help, so considering that, I'm going" Serena replied and she dragged Ash out of the roof

"Hey! You don't need come to" Ash said as he tried resisting Serena's grip

"Calem's my friend so I need to get you out of this" Serena explained

"But what about your A+?" Ash asked

"I can live with an A" Serena answered

"Live?" Ash chuckled

"My moms really strict on my grades ok!" Serena exclaimed

"Alright alright, got it" Ash sighed in defeat


"I mean for all we know this could be some kind of magic" Serena suggested

"Magic?" Sycamore asked

"It's only reasonable considering there's no way Ash did this" Serena replied "Right Ash?"

"Yeah.... or maybe it's a clone!" Ash said and Serena nodded her head

"Anything's posible" Serena added

"Well I think it's a possibility but it's not me your going to have to answer to" Sycamore said

"Huh?" The two asked

"You see, there's quite a lot of victims so your going to have to go to court" Sycamore explained

"Ugh, my mom is going to kill me" Ash replied

"Don't worry Ash, we'll prove your innocence" Serena assured

"But how?" Ash asked

"I know just the person" Serena answered


"So it's plain obvious that Calem is behind us considering every factor, which also means......" Kiawe said

".... That he's using his dads connections to give him some kind of magical edge" Jason finished

"Your saying magic is real?" Tierno asked

"Magic is very much real, it's just been forgotten over time" Lillie answered

"But who could Calem's dad know that knows magic?" Miette asked

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