Chapter 24: An Apology

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*Serena's POV

Its currently Friday night after school and my friends all made plans but I decided against going even after every single one of them tried to persuade me with everything they had. But i couldn't bring myself to go out and have fun while Ash hates me....

"Serena! Come on down!" My mom shouted up

"Coming!" I shouted back, with a pinch of annoyance

I exited my room and walked down the stairs to see my mom sitting on the couch and she signaled for me to sit next to her

"Something bothering you again?" She asked as I sat down

"No.... maybe" I answered

"Serena don't be afraid to hide anything from me, i'm your mom and I won't judge you" My mom put

"Ok... Its just Ash again" I admitted

"You seem to really be caught up with Ash. You two a couple?" My mom asked

"N-No! Were not mom!" I quickly stated

"Anyways, whats going on now?" She then asked

"Well after our last talk I saw Ash on Saturday walking so I called out to him but he just ignored me and gave me a harsh look. Then on Monday I tried confront him again after our friends failed to do so. I started by walking up from behind and feeling his hair as I complimented it, and I really did like it, but thats not the point. It basically ended the same with him telling me to go away" I explained

"Ash & Pikachu have been friends forever Serena, i'm sure if you got hurt and Ash thought it was his fault, wether it wasn't or not, he'd be acting the same way. He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't want to talk about" My mom advised

"But what if he never talks to me again...." I replied

"Have you ever stopped and considered he'll probably return to normal once Pikachu's healed?" My mom asked

"I have but I feel like i've bothered him too much that it'll never be the same. Not to mention you have to see Pikachu for yourself to see how long his recovery is going to take" I answered

"If you really like Ash, then you'll wait" My mom said

"I-I don't like him in that way!" I responded loudly

"Ok Serena. Now how about you go out with your friends?" My mom asked

"Ill try" I sighed

I then thanked my mom and then walked back up stairs to grab my phone so I could text my friends. They hadn't left yet so I decided on going and they were all happy to hear that

*With Ash / His POV

I decided on visiting Pikachu for the second time since he's been in the Pokemon Center. I just couldn't bring myself to see his injuries that I had caused.

I quietly made my through the house and I slowly opened the door but when I stepped outside I could see Serena also making her way out which me internally sigh

Our eyes met and she hesitated at first but she gave a slow and small wave so this time i rewarded her with the same exact wave back and I could see her face lighten up with all kinds of happy emotions, and I hated to do it but I had to, and i gave her the cold harsh look and her face returned to the same neutral/sad look from before

"Where do you think your going?" Gary asked from behind

"None of your business" I put

"You cant even tell us where your going? Now your just being pathetic Ash" Fiera replied harshly

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