The Woman Who Fell to Earth

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The Tardis shook violently I stumbled through the corridors making my way back to the console room. The Doctor had wanted time alone before he regenerated. I understood, having been through this with him quite a few times I gave him his peace. I gripped the railing as the Tardis shook again this time sparks flying and flames growing high as streams of regeneration energy shot from the Doctor. "Doctor!" I yelled as his form collapsed to the floor. I ran over to his side to see he, was actually a she now. That was going to take some time to get used to.

She stood up and looked between me and the monitor. A grin on her face as she looked around once again. "Oh brilliant." She said before pushing a button on the console. The Tardis flipped and my fingers caught the grating as books fell past me. The Doctor's hand slipped from the grating and I used one of my own to catch her.

"I've got you!" I said her worried look of falling went away and she grinned at me. I smiled back before I felt my own hand slip off the grating. I looked up and watch my fingers slowly slip off as the Tardis started to explode above us.

"Let go of me! Save yourself and let me go!" She said. I looked down and shook my head.

"Never. If we fall we fall together!" I let go of the grating and we slid down towards the doors. The Doctor and I were falling from thousands of feet in the air. I still held onto her hand as we flailed in the air. As we neared the ground the Doctor pulled me to her chest. There was a loud crash and sudden pain all over my body at the sudden stop, but we stopped falling. It was dark and the sounds of electricity all around us. I used what little strength I had to push myself up and off of the Doctor. I rolled on my back and she jumped to her feet panting.

"What?" She asked the small group of people who were starting to stare at us. The Doctor turned around and grabbed an electrical cable and shocked the weird ball of wires. When it collapsed on the floor she offered me a hand and I accepted it. "Should buy us a few seconds." She pulled me to my feet and looked me over checking for wounds. No matter the regeneration she still cared about my safety first. I glanced from the Doctor to the group of people. She did the same before looking up at the hole in the ceiling from where we fell. "Oh yeah, long story. Doors?"

"Locked shut." The woman at the front said.

"We'll see about that." She searched her coat for her sonic, but found nothing. "No sonic. Empty pockets I hate empty pockets!" She groaned and turned to me. "You don't happen to have a sonic on you by chance?"

"No, but I think we are about to have much more to worry about than empty pockets!" I said moving behind the Doctor as the creature became active again. I stood back with the group. "Hello I'm (Y/n) lovely to meet you all."

"Yeah you too." The man at the back said turning to watch the Doctor. I turned to watch as well as the Doctor tried to reason with the creature.

"What are you?" She asked and it shot a bolt of lightning to the side of her. My heart seized in my chest, pumping blood an adrenaline through out my body. "Whoa, okay. Don't like questions, more the private type. I get that." It moved around her zapping electoral energy everywhere. One of the men in the group I was in was cornered between the seats as it got closer to him.

I put my arms out to the rest of the group and held them back. "Get it away from me!" He whimpered.

"All of you stay very still." The Doctor said and as she slowly approached it. I did the same before she put her hand up and told me to stop.

"But I can help." I said and she shook her head. I wasn't a child! I was fully capable of taking care of myself.

"It's gonna kill us!"

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