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Danielle walked the halls of McKinley high, terrified of the wrath of Sue Sylvester when she tells her cheerleading coach that she joined the New Directions. She wasn't super in love with cheerleading but Coach Sue was always kinder to her than she was to any other student. It was better to rip the bandage off now before her coach heard the news from someone else.

"Coach Sylvester? Do you have a minute?"

Sue looked over the top of her glasses, seeing the blonde timidly stand in the doorway to her office. After beckoning the Cheerio to enter, she folded her newspaper and waited for her to take the seat across from her desk, "Is this about that Glee Club you joined?"

The sophomore's heart ceased to beat, scaring her to choke on the deep breath she'd just taken. It's not that she was ashamed to be a part of the New Directions, it's that she didn't want to disappoint her Coach and wanted to be the one to tell her the news herself. Danielle coughed, clearing her throat as she nodded to answer, "Yes ma'am. I had every intention to tell you first but apparently someone beat me to it. I'm sorry if this disappoints you."

"Dani, you remind me of a young Sue Sylvester only much much shorter. You're ambitious and talented and as long as you don't choose that little Glee Club over the Cheerios, we won't have a problem."

"Thank you Coach," she gasped as the bell rang overhead, telling the students to go to their first class of the morning. Was the New Direction the slightest bit scared that her cheerleading coach would unleash an insurmountable plot to destroy the club, of course she was but she was just excited to at least have her approval.

"You get Coach Sylvester's approval, feel all warm and fuzzy now?" David asked his sister as she stopped at her locker to get her books for class.

Dani rolled her eyes at her older brother by twelve minutes, tucking her jacket under her arm as she closed her locker door, "Yes sir, she already knew about it which was somewhat concerning but she was cool about it."

"I'm glad, now if you'll excuse me I have a Slushie with a loser's name on it," David chuckled, joining Noah Puckerman at his side while they threw Slushies in Rachel Berry's face.

The Glee Club was singing "Le Freak" by Chic, a song that won McKinley High's Glee Club Nationals in 1993 when Will Schuester was a part of the Club himself. Mr. Schue started shouting critiques at the seven teenagers as they fumbled through the disco number, "Energy, guys! It's disco. Good with the hands. John Travolta hands. All right. We're freaking out. Let's go. And up and out and down. Good. Good, guys."

Rachel adds a high kick, almost connecting her Mary Janes with Mercedes' face. Mercedes bowed up on the eccentric mezzo-soprano, ready to fight her, "Whoa, whoa! Hell to the nah! First of all, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you! And, also, this song is terrible."

"No, no, no. It's not the song. You guys just need to get into it."

Kurt rolled his eyes at their teacher's protests, annoyed, "No, it's the song. It's really gay."

The football player and the Cheerio shared a look at the adjective Kurt Hummel used to describe the song, feeling the sudden urge to laugh only to be cut off by their handicappable friend, "We need modern music, Mr. Schue."

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly."

Tina visibly gulped as she incredulously asked, "In front of the whole school?"


"They're gonna throw food at us. And I just had a facial."

Dani snorted, tightening her high ponytail, earning the looks of her fellow Glee Club members as she mumbled to herself, "One thousand percent, my brother will be the first in line."

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