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Dani laid across the couch, reading her latest novel, until her cell phone started singing the theme song to one of her best friend's internet talk shows. Dani chuckled at the special call from her friend, holding her phone to her ear, "Brittany, to what do I owe this pleasure? Normally I only get calls from Sam and Blaine."

"I'm reviving Fondue For Two and wanted to ask you and Quinn to tune in this afternoon. I'm interviewing Marley."

Dani chuckled, pushing herself up to let Quinn sit on the end where her feet were, "You know what, sure Britt. I'll definitely watch it and whenever I'm in town next I'd love to be on the show, if you'll have me."

Brittany clapped enthusiastically, squealing into the phone, "Totally, okay bye. Love you."

"Love you too."

Quinn opened her laptop, balancing the device on her lap, "Who was that, Sam?"

Dani shook her head as she dropped her phone into her lap, pulling her long hair up to the top of her head and tying it in a loose top knot, "No, it was Britt."

Surprised to hear which of their friends called Dani this afternoon to talk, Quinn turned to face her friend, "What did she want?" 

"To ask us to watch Fondue For Two."

"Why the Hell not?"

Dani smirked, taking Quinn's laptop  from off her lap and opened a tab to watch Brittany's show Fondue For Two on YouTube, "My thoughts exactly."

♪ Fondue for Two! Hey! ♪

♪ Fondue for Two, that's some hot dish ♪

♪ Fondue for Two! ♪

Jess ran into their dorm room, hearing the odd song playing from the laptop that Quinn and Dani were crowding around, "What are you watching?"

Quinn looked up from the screen that was playing Brittany twirling around in an office swivel chair to smile at her roommate, who was dropping her bags on the floor by the door, "Our friend Brittany's internet talk show."

Intrigued to see Brittany's talk show, Jess plops herself in the open seat on Dani's right to watch the show on Quinn's computer. Brittany sat across from Marley in her bedroom, smiling at the camera, "Welcome back to Fondue for Two. You may know tonight's guest only as the girl with the fat mom who ruined Sectionals for everybody. Please give it up for McKinley's very own... Marley Rose. So, Marley, is it true that you spent six hours waiting in line to see "The Hunger Games"?"

Marley nodded enthusiastically,  "I love those books.

"So do you think that you relate to "The Hunger Games" because you yourself are hungry?"

Dani gasped at Brittany's question, turning to explain to Jess why she and Quinn were so shocked to hear Brittany's interview question, "Oh shit. That's the girl who has an ED."

Jess sucks her teeth, grimacing at Brittany's inappropriate, "Yikes."

Uncomfortable by Brittany's question, Marley looks around the second year senior's bedroom to see her cat staring at a computer, "When I was growing up, my mom said that I was a pet psychic."

"That's cool. So, can you tell me what Lord Tubbington is thinking right now?"

Marley gives Lord Tubbington a good long look, seeing the website that the cat was browsing,  "Yeah. I think he wants to lose some weight, and he has an online gambling addiction."

Brittany imitates a buzzer sound, giving the sophomore a thumbs down, "Wrong. If you would've told me that Lord Tubbington was secretly a slumlord, I would've believed you. None of your high-rises are up to code. Those families are living in squalor and they deserve better."

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