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Mr. Schue called his thirteen students into the auditorium, presenting them with their competitors, the Jane Addams girls, "Okay, guys, so first of all I want to welcome Ms. Hitchens and the Jane Addams glee club. We're all very happy to have you guys here. So, um, we're going to let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got."

"Hit it."

The Jane Addams Glee Club performs "Bootylicious" by Beyonce, flipping and twirling their hair as they twerked and scandalously danced. The New Directions, overwhelmed and a little thrown by their performance, applauded them as the girls exited the auditorium.

Rachel looks to her left, seeing a stunned Spanish teacher seated two seats past Danelle Karofsky and Mike Chang, "Mr. Schue, you seem concerned."

Will shook himself out of his trance, turning to see his thirteen students staring at him as they awaited his response, "What? No. I mean, they were great, but we're just as good."

"Mr. Schue, if I may. What they were doing was just all smoke and mirrors. It's called "hairography"."


"Hairography," Dani repeated the term Rachel just used, leaning against the back of the seat in front of them.

"All the whizzing of their hair around just to distract from the fact that they're not really good dancers. And their vocals were just so-so. Trust me. We've nothing to be afraid of," Rachel assured him, taking Dani by the hand and leading her out of the auditorium.

"He gets spooked so easily-"

Quinn ripped her friend's hand from Rachel Berry's grasp, talking over Dani as she addressed the mezzo soprano, "Sorry, Berry but I need to take Dani from you."

Dani sadly waved at Rachel, feeling bad about the saddened look on her friend's face. Quinn's grip tightened as she continued to drag the Cheerio out of Rachel Berry's line of sight. Feeling the twinge of pain as Quinn accidentally dug her fingernails into her wrist, Dani shrieked as she wrenched her limb out of Quinn's confinement, "Damnit Q, what was that for?"

"Since when are you and Berry best friends?" Quinn Fabray demanded, folding her arms firmly over her chest.

Hearing the undertones of jealousy in her friend's voice, Dani realized what the real problem with her new friendship was, "Wait, a minute, are you really jealous that I'm friends with Rachel?"

"She can't take both of you, okay," Quinn sadly answered, resting her hand on her stomach. "She already follows Finn like a puppy and I wouldn't be surprised if her and Finn somehow start dating. But you are my best friend and I don't want her to steal you from me too."

Dani pressed her lips against Quinn's cheek, hugging her tightly, "She can never steal me from you. I'm just making a new, less cool friend. You're my ride or die."

"And you're mine."

The next morning Mr. Schue comes into the room, struggling to maintain his hold on the big cardboard box he was carrying under his arm, "All right, guys. I did some thinking last night. I think I found our new number for Sectionals. We're going to do the title song from "Hair". Now, this show started a revolution."

"Wait, did they have mohawks back then? Like in the 20's or whatever?" Puck asked incredulously, running his hand over his mohawk.

"Yeah, Mr. Schue, if we're going to do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?"

Will smirked at Finn's perfect segway, dropping his box, "One step ahead of you. Here are your wigs."

Danielle and Rachel shared a look when Mr. Schue dropped the box of wigs in front of them, realizing that their teacher hadn't listened to their advice from the day prior. "Mr. Schuester?"

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