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The school year of 2013-2014 went by in a blur. The notable events of which included: Rachel Berry making her Broadway debut as Fanny Brice in Funny Girl, Kurt Hummel getting beat in the streets of New York protecting a gay man from being killed, Mercedes Jones moving to New York to record her newest album, Sam Evans becoming a male model, Quinn Fabray choosing to major in Pre-Law, Amada Hernandez-Garcia graduating high school and enrolling at Ohio State Pre-Med, Artie Abrams testing positive for chlamydia, and Dani Karofsky double majoring in Music and Psychology.

Rachel Berry, after leaving her dream role on Broadway for a television show based on her life, was now a joke in the entertainment industry, essentially blacklisted for her abandonment of Broadway and failure on television. She moved home to decide what her next steps should be to find that her parents were getting a divorce and selling her childhood home.

Rachel and the newly returned, Kurt somehow manage to reboot the McKinley High Glee Club, co-directing the show choir group while Blaine Anderson was directing the Dalton Academy Warblers and Mr. Will Schuester was currently leading Vocal Adrenaline. 


Dani pulled her car into the parking lot of McKinley High School, turning to face her passenger, "So is this our life now? Your girlfriend calls and we come running back home?"

Quinn rolled her eyes at her best friend, closing the passenger side door, "Oh come on, you know you wanted to come home and see Sam and your brother. Don't make this about Rach calling for our help."

Dani slammed her car door behind her, continuing to tease and complain about Quinn's girlfriend, "I can and I will. Your girlfriend is going to pull a Mr. Schue and call me back home everytime she needs choreography."

"Do you want me to tell her not to call you?"

"No, she's my excuse to come back home," Dani admitted, making Quinn laugh as they make their way through the halls of their alma mater. 

The blondes rounded the corner to see a face neither had seen in months, one Airman First Class Noah "Puck" Puckerman. Puck smiles brightly at the blondes, throwing his arms across their shoulders as he directed them to the auditorium to meet the rest of their friends, "Well hello ladies, haven't seen your beautiful faces in a while."

Quinn rolled her eyes at the Jew, shrugging his arm off her shoulders to walk ahead of them, "Hi Puck."

The New Direction alumni gathered backstage of the McKinley High School auditorium, embracing and greeting each other as they waited for Rachel to announce their presence to Kurt. Dani excitedly ran out from under the weight of Puck's arm, tackling Sam in a bone crushing hug. 

"So I got on the phone."

Kurt hummed in confusion, unsure of who his partner called into town, "With who?"

"With everyone!"

With that announcement the lights came up in the auditorium revealing Mercedes, Madi, Brittany and Santana sitting on the stage, waving enthusiastically. Mercedes squealed, "Surprise!"

Brittany turned and waved over her other New Direction alumni waiting in the  wings, beckoning them to join them on stage. Kurt saw Sam push Artie out on stage, followed by the rest of the Class of 2012, taking Rachel by the hand and leading her from the audience to the stage, "Let's go say hi."

"Hi, guys!"

Quinn skipped across the stage, wrapping her arms tightly around her girlfriend's neck, "Hey, babe."

Rachel pressed a kiss on Quinn's smiling lip, earning a whoop of approval from their friends. Dani fake gagged, hugging Madi, "Gross and to think, I hated when Rachel and Nate were all cutesy."

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