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Since Finn's passing Dani stayed in New Haven focusing on school and continuing her sessions with Dr. Ryan, trying to better herself and find a way for it to start hitting less. She upheld her weekly calls with her friends at McKinley and Puck, trying to maintain a sense of routine. Until yet again, one of the normal calls turned into unfortunate news.

Dani walked through the doors of her alma mater, her hand intertwined with Quinn's, "I can't believe I'm here for this, after everything this Glee Club has been through in the past four years and this year. Glee Club is over."

Quinn nodded, genuinely shocked by their final loss against Sue Sylvester, "Yeah, it's pretty surreal after all the close calls we've had."

"I can't believe you brought Biff back with us," Dani growled, seeing Quinn's screen light up with multiple messages from her newest boyfriend with his whereabouts in their hometown of Lima, Ohio.

Quinn rolled her eyes at Dani's latest comment about not liking Biff McIntosh, unlocking her phone to read the text messages, "I still can't believe you don't like him."

"You sure as Hell know why I don't like him. The only reason I haven't punched the dude is because I love you and want you to be happy with the nimrod."


Dani turned in her heel, seeing her best friend standing at the opposite end of the hall, "Mike!"

Mike caught the blonde as she launched herself at him, laughing at her excitement despite the reason they came back home, "Thank God you're here. I've been so worried about you, I haven't heard much from you since you were last in Lima."

"Blame Finals, they suck, " Dani huffed as she jumped on his back, letting him carry her to the choir room. "But I'm done for the summer and subject to whatever Quinn is planning. Do you think I could convince you to come with us, whatever her plans may be?"

Mike immediately accepted the invitation, dropping her on the chair next to Ryder, "I'll be there. I've missed hanging out with you."

Mercedes and Rachel race each other for the open chair in the front and center, the chair that was dubbed by the original New Directions "The Rachel Chair", but Rachel barely beat Mercedes to it. Kurt leaned forward in his chair, hissing at the adults acting like children, "Greet each other."

Mercedes straightens her suit jacket, forcing a smile onto her lips while addressing the current lead in Funny Girl on Broadway, "Hello, Rachel. I am so happy to hear about all of your success."

"Oh, thank you so much, Mercedes. And you are looking well."

Mercedes cleared her throat, forcing herself to walk away from the brunette before she smacked her for her underhanded comments, "Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll make my way to the back of the bus."

Dani throws the paint covered bandana out of the pocket of her overalls, throwing it in the air,  "Flag on the play ladies, passive aggression was not on the approved attitudes this week."

Madi turned around, removing the bandana from her face and throwing it back at the nineteen year old, "Good to see that Dani's back."

Mr. Schuester finally joined his students, past and current, by making a path to the whiteboard and writing three digits in the whiteboard: 100, "100 lessons."

Puck raised his hand slowly over his head, getting the teacher's attention, "Hey, can I get Finn's plaque when we clear this place out?"

Dani looked past Ryder, sending the Airman a sweet smile as she threatened him, "Puckerman, I love you, but if you touch Finn's plaque I will personally castrate you."

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