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"I need to tell you something and you can't repeat it, freak out, or try and kill someone, okay?"

David took a seat on his sister's bed, watching her slowly close the door behind them, "Though that whole sentence sorta concerns me but I promise to not freak out. Now what's up because you're as pale as a ghost."

"Finn asked me to marry him," Dani blurted out quickly, slapping her hand over her mouth.

David jumped off the bed, yelling, "What! When, why? What did you say?"

"He asked me to meet him in the auditorium two days ago and gave this whole beautiful speech about how he loved me and wanted the chance to keep loving me forever, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I told him I needed a few days to think about it because it was so out of the blue and crazy that he wants to marry me."

David pulled the blonde beside him, seeing her freak out the longer she explains what happened, "Are you going to say yes?"

"I don't know I wanted to talk to you about it, see how you felt about it, before I gave him an answer. Because a part of me wants to say yes because I love him and he's my best friend, but the other part of me says that we're in high school and being engaged just sounds insane."

"I mean I know he loves you and you love him, and our parents definitely love him."

"I know!" she laughed, pointing at the wall as though her parents were sitting there. "Mom and Dad already asked me if I thought he was the one."

He frowned, looking at her stack of acceptance letters sitting on the corner on her desk, "But, you're right. You are barely eighteen Ellie and you have college coming up, and do you really want to be engaged or married while you're in college?"

"I don't know," the blonde admits, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "I mean people do long engagements all the time, maybe being engaged for a few years will be cool and it would give us chances to experience the world together  before we get married."

"Well, you asked how I feel about it so here it is. I will support you two in whatever you decide but, I think you guys should live a little bit more before you settle down and get engaged. Have you told Quinn about this?"

"No because I know how she feels about it. Both Finn and Puck offered to marry her when she was pregnant, to start a family and make their mistake right but she was against it. So, I wanted your input before I gave him an answer. Thanks."

David stopped at the door, his hand wrapped around the doorknob, "Dani, if he loves you he'll wait and ask you again when you're both ready. He won't leave you if you tell him no."

"Thank you, I really needed to hear that."

The next afternoon after Glee Finn found his girlfriend at her locker at exactly 2:47, after having given her space and time to think for the past few days, "Okay, it's been exactly 3 days to the minute since I proposed to you which is the amount of time you said you needed before you'd give me an answer."

Dani shut her locker, turning her face to see her boyfriend smiling down at her, "Look, this isn't the kind of decision you can make on a deadline."

"Look, I understand, you said you needed some time, but... not hearing a decision's kind of bumming me out."

"Okay, come with me," she instructed as she pulled him into the closest classroom, knowing they would be empty.  She took a deep breath, watching him sit on the edge of the teacher's desk, "I love you, okay? And... I do really want to marry you someday, and... I, really, I'm open to anything. This is all just happening so fast and so early, we're still in high school and I don't understand it. I mean, I... I need you to help me understand."

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