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One week before the William McKinley High School student production of Grease Sue dropped a major bomb on the directors, she somehow managed to go beneath them and take the auditorium April Rhodes purchased for them for the entire week leading up to their show that opened on Friday. Finn left the teacher's lounge, immediately dialing Dani's number to get some advance, "Sue is making my life a living Hell and I don't know what to do?"

Dani chuckled, holding her phone to her ear with her shoulder as she latched her cello case, "Slow down, take a breath and tell me what's going on. Maybe I can help."

"Sue booked the auditorium for every day leading up to the show for Cheerios practice, so I don't have anywhere for the kids to rehearse."

Dani sighed, shouldering her case as she leaves the School of Music building, "Okay, that's an easy fix. Take the boys to the Tire Shop, use a car to rehearse "Greased Lightning". And then for everything else just use the dance room and the choir room, she has no control over that."

"Okay that's a really good idea. Do you have any suggestions for Marley, she keeps outgrowing her costume everytime she goes in for a fitting?" Finn asks, seeing that Tina sent another costuming update that Marley's skirt was yet again too small for her.

"Um.. that's odd. Marley is like a size double zero so that's a little concerning. But if she keeps outgrowing it, tell Tina to put an elastic waistband on her skirts. That way it will work even if she outgrows it again."

Finn chuckled gratefully, wondering how he hadn't thought of that before, "Elastic waistband, got it. Oh, I wish you were here right now."

Dani smiled to herself, grateful that he couldn't see the shade of red her cheeks currently were after hearing that comment, "I'll be there Thursday night. Until then you've got Mike and Artie, I believe in you."

By the time Dani made it back to her dorm room she found Jess and Quinn sitting on the ends of the couch, each doing their own assignments. Dani huffed, leaning her cello case against the wall then plopped herself between the two. Quinn looked up from her assignment, "So you're leaving right after class on Thursday, driving 10 hours so you can be there for opening night?"

Dani nodded, yanking the hair tie out of her hair, "I promised them I would be there. It's not like I have any classes on Friday so I'm not missing anything. They've worked really hard on this, I wanna see them pull it off."

"Are you sure you don't want me to ditch my classes tomorrow? It's only two classes and I can get the notes from Jess."

"I guess she's getting the notes from Jess," Jess chuckled, looking up from her notebook when Quinn said her name.

Dani shook her head, leaning against Jess' legs, "No, you don't have to. You both can come see it Saturday or Sunday. Jess, you are totally welcome, these kids have worked really hard."


Jess sucked her teeth, considering the offer as Dani left the common area to do her homework, "Sure, Dans. I'll come."

Dani stayed up until about one in the morning finishing her psychology paper, grateful when she finally was able to get to sleep less than an hour later. Her dreams were filled with the excitement of seeing her friends' hard work over the past month pay off this weekend, until her phone screamed for her to answer and woke her from her sleep, "I'm freaking out, Dani I need you to come right now."

Dani squinted to see the time, yawning as she heard Finn freak out on the other end, "What? Why? I said I'd be there after my class Thursday afternoon? It's four in the morning."

"Wade's parents are making him drop out of Grease. They don't want him playing Rizzo."

The blonde shot up out of bed, gasping at the news Finn gave her, "Oh my God, but why do you need me? You didn't assign an understudy just in case?"

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