Pot o' Gold

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Brittany skipped down the hall, grabbing Dani by the hand and leading her down the hall toward her locker, "How much do you love me?"

Dani cocked an eyebrow at the random question so early in the morning as Brittany led her down the hall towards a confused looking brunette, "Very much, why?"

"I need you to show my leprechaun around school. Make sure he doesn't see a pot of gold and run away."

"Sure thing, Britt. So you must be...?"

Rory realized that the other Cheerio was talking to him, "Rory Flanagan. I'm staying at Brittany's house for the year."

Dani took his hand, shaking it before leading him through the halls for the tour, "Dani Karofsky, welcome to America. Anyways let me show you around. Alright that was first bell and your first class is right in there. Good luck and if you need me, find me or send me a text."

Rory smiled at the blonde as she turned to leave him in Mr. Johnson's English class, "Bye Dani."

"Bye, Rory."

Finn found his girlfriend throwing her Cheerios jacket into her locker, opening his own to get his Geometry textbook, "Who was that kid I saw you walking around school with earlier this morning?"

Dani laughed, grabbing a bag of Chex Mix and pointing down the hall as Rory came towards Brittany, "Oh that's Britt's "leprechaun", Rory. He's an exchange student from Ireland and Britt asked me to show him around before school. Something about making sure he doesn't run off and steal someone else's pot of gold."

"Wow, Brittany is... something else."

Dani lightly hit him on the arm, laughing, "Oh, come on. Britt is amazing and she lives in her own special, magical world and I think it's cute. Look, there's Rory."

"Top o' the mornin', Brittany."

Brittany turned from her locker to see Rory, wearing his green hat, and started smiling wider than earlier, "Okay, first of all, you look magical and amazing, but I don't understand what you're saying. So if you want to make it in this land, you really need to speak English. How's your first day of school? "

Rory smiled and waved to Dani, "It's grand."

"Hey, Irish."

Britt watched Rick the Stick pass, confused that he saw Rory, "Wait. Other people can see you? But only because you let them see you."

Rory fought the urge to laugh as he nodded, "That's right."

"I've thought about it a lot, and I know what I want as my first wish. Your magical race, they make my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. I really wish that you would make me a box of Lucky Charms with all marshmallows."

 Dani laughed at Brittany's request, closing both her and Finn's locker, "And on that note, let's go to Spanish and stop listening in on their conversation."

Finn followed her down the hall, looking over his shoulder to see them still talking at Brittany's locker, "She really believes he's a leprechaun."

Dani turned his face around, laughing at how stuck he was on Britt's thought process, "Let it go, you believed God came to you last year on a burnt grilled cheese sandwich."

Finn gasped, quickly pressing a kiss on her forehead as he left for Geometry, "Leave Grilled Cheesus out of this."

"She's letting us babysit Beth."

Dani looked up from her book, Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Greene, smiling up at Quinn as she sits across from her in the library, "That's great. I'm glad she's letting you and Puck spend some time with Beth, it's important kids have a relationship with their parents and I'm glad she's letting you guys have a chance to stay in Beth's lives."

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