Grilled Cheesus

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After the first game of the season, Finn and Artie scoring the winning touchdown of the game, Finn Hudson threw off his helmet and threw himself down on his knees, screaming up at the sky, "Thank you, Grilled Cheesus."

"Dani, Dani, Dani!"

The Cheerio turned to face the breathless quarterback, laughing at the urgency in his tone, "Finn, Finn, Finn?"

"I need to show you something," Finn frantically declared, dragging her by the wrist to the parking lot.

"Couldn't you just tell me that without ripping my shoulder out of its socket?" Dani whined as she was being dragged across the parking lot to where their cars were parked.

Finn apologized, releasing her wrist as they stopped in front of their cars. He swung open his driver side door, reaching into the passenger seat to get a Saran wrapped paper plate with half of a grilled cheese sandwich. "You have to promise to not make fun of me for this."

"I promise but I still reserve the right to laugh. Now will you tell me what's going on?"

Finn pulled the Saran wrap off the paper plate, lifting the sandwich up in her eye line, whispering one small phrase which will initiate her uncontrollable laughter, "Grilled Cheesus."

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" she cried in between fits of laughter, examining the grilled cheese sandwich that her friend named Grilled Cheesus.

"I was making grilled cheese yesterday and when I looked at it, I saw the face of God. So I prayed to Grilled Cheesus for us to win the game tonight and we did. Because Grilled Cheesus answered my prayer."

Dani looked at the grill marks, seeing the slight resemblance between the dark marks of his sandwich and the Christian figurehead, then back up at her friend who clearly thoroughly believed in the power of his sandwich, "You're a goofball but you know I don't believe in that. But if you do now, I support it."

On Monday morning Finn Hudson took the floor, deciding that he will honor his promise to Grilled Cheesus and dedicate a week in Glee Club to him, "Mr. Schue? I have something to say. Something happened to me, and I can't really get into it, but it's shaken me to my core."

Puck gasped, grabbing the Cheerio's hand beside him, "Oh, my God, he's coming out."

Dani shook her hand out of his, shaking her head no as she smirked at the quarterback, "No, trust me, it's cheesier than that."

Slightly laughing at the Cheerio's pun, Finn continued in his announcement, "Why, yes, there is a man who's sort of recently come into my life, and that man is Jesus Christ."

Dani's blue eyes locked with Finn's light brown eyes, faking a cough as she teased him, "Grilled Cheesus."

"That's way worse," Puck groaned, not completely understanding the comment Dani just made.

Finn, however, decided to ignore the commentary and disagreement of Noah Puckerman and continued his speech, "And I know there's others in here who dig him, too. And so I thought, maybe this week, we could pay tribute to him in music. You know, pay tribute to Jesus."

"Sorry, uh, but if I wanted to sing about Jesus, I'd go to church. And the reason I don't go to church is because most churches don't think very much of gay people. Or women. Or science," Kurt opposed, tightly folding his across his chest.

Mercedes smiled brightly, very much in favor of Finn Hudson's proposal, "I don't see anything wrong with getting a little church up in here."

Quinn sat in her chair beside Mercedes, fixing her legs to sit Indian style, "I agree. I've had a really hard year, and I turned to God a lot for help. I, for one, wouldn't mind saying thanks."

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