Original Songs

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"Dani, can we talk?"

Dani kept walking down the hall, putting headphones in her ears and turned up the Prelude from Bach Cello Suite No. 1, ignoring her brother's attempts to get her attention. But David was tired of being ignored by his sister because as difficult as it was for him to admit, he needed his sister right now. He chased after his sister, grabbed her by the shoulders and ripped her headphones out of her ears, "Ellie, can we talk please?"

"Thirty seconds, go," Dani grunted, wrenching her arm out of his large hand.

"I'm sorry, I messed up. I know that but you can't hate me forever. I didn't actually kill him, I would never. I just want to go back to being your big brother. Please?" David begged as the bell rang, drowning some of his pleas out.

Dani rolled her blue eyes at her pleading brother, sneering at him, "You did mess up. You aren't my big brother, I don't recognize you because my big brother never would have treated someone the way you treated Kurt. I'm sick of the person you've become, I want my old brother back."

"What was that about?"

Dani looked up from her Spanish textbook seeing Finn take his normal seat beside her, "My moronic brother wants me to forgive him for what he did to Kurt. And I told him no."

"You're different. You don't spend time with Quinn, you spend more time in your shed than you used to. What happened, and you can't pull the twin card?" Finn asked as Mr. Schue scratched 'PRETERITE SER' across the blackboard.

Dani scribbled the conjugation on her paper, setting her jaw at the quarterback, "It's called growing up Finn. People change."

The next morning before school Dani sat in her shed, hearing Finn's words ring in her ears as she played Brahms Cello Sonata No. 1 Op.38. Breaking her concentration, was her phone screaming at her for her to pick up. She brought the phone to her ear and instantly heard Kurt rambling. "Kurt calm down, take a deep breath and tell me what happened," Dani frantically cooed, trying to stop Kurt from having a panic attack on the other end of the phone call.

Kurt sniffled, "Pavarotti, the Dalton canary is dead."

"Oh, Kurt. Do you want me to ditch and be with you?"

"No, I've got to tell the other Warblers but I'll talk to you later."

In Glee rehearsal Mr. Schue, visibly upset, shuffles into the choir room with a single piece of paper in hand, "Guys, I've got some bad news. You know how we decided on "Sing" by My Chemical Romance for Regionals. Well, I hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it."

Puck groaned, dropping his head onto Dani Karofsky's shoulder, "Ugh, it was the perfect anthem."

As Dani patted his head comfortingly, Mercedes challenged the reason behind the sudden cease and desist of the song though she already had a sneaking suspicion of who was behind it, "How much do you wanna bet Coach Sylvester had something to do with this? So, what are we gonna do now?"

Rachel jumps out of her chair, turning to face the thirteen other New Directions, "I think...we should write original songs for Regionals."

"I still agree," Nathan and Dani chorused together, making their opinions known.

Santana over exaggeratedly rolled her eyes at the trio, wanting to move past the conversation yet again, "All those in favor of voting Rachel, Dani and Nathan down a second time?"

Before everyone else could raise their hands to vote against them again, Quinn stopped them as she caught Dani's eye, "No, I think they're right. This team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different."

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