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Quinn ran down the hallway, struggling to keep her school supplies in her arms. Before Dani could raise her hand to greet her frantic best friend, Quinn wrapped her hand around her wrist and dragged her into the girl's bathroom, "You'll never guess what Sam just did."

After last week Dani knew something that Quinn didn't and based off the reaction and degree of urgency in Quinn's voice, she got really excited, "Oh, my God, did he propose? He proposed?!"

Quinn slapped her hand over the blonde's mouth, nodded frantically, "He pre-proposed. He had a promise ring and got down on a knee and-"

"What did you say?!" Dani yelled, jumping up and down excitedly. When another girl tried to come into the bathroom, Dani quickly closed the door and telling them that this was important and they needed some privacy, which surprisingly worked because it was a couple of freshman girls who she tutored for Mr. Schue.

"That I'd think about it."

Dani crossed her arms over her chest, disappointed in the head Cheerio's response, "Oh, boo."

"What was I supposed to say?"

"Yes, obviously! You two are so cute together, he's good for you."

Quinn frowned at her over eager best friend, not understanding how she could support the promise ring and the promise Sam made her about their future together and all that. Quinn liked Sam, there was no denying that fact, it's just she had a plan for her future including marriage, a house and kids, but Sam wasn't a part of those plans yet. "Dani."

Dani shook her head no, leaving her friend alone in the girl's restroom, "I'm not talking to you until you give him an answer."

The first person Kurt Hummel found after learning the news from his father and Carole Hudson regarding their engagement was Danielle Karofsky. The two have devoted every waking moment outside of school, Glee, and Cheerios to planning the Hudson-Hummel wedding that the New Directions were performing at. Finn found Kurt and Dani at Kurt's locker, waving his copy of the itinerary at them, "Hey, uh, so I've been reviewing this itinerary, and I don't really get it. Are you sure we should release 300 live doves indoors? Won't that get kind of messy?"

"That's why we feed them glitter, Finn."

Dani stifled a giggle at Kurt's dietary guidelines for the wedding doves, "Wouldn't that kill them?"

Finn and Dani stared at Kurt, awaiting the answer to her rhetorical question, both knowing that the glitter would more than likely kill the doves in question. Kurt thought about it for a second, not actually knowing the answer to the previous question, "Maybe.. I don't know."

"Oh. Well, look, I've been thinking about it. I really want to do something special for the wedding, and I wanted to take this opportunity to sort of remind everyone that I'm, you know, a leader."

This week has been, to say the least, chaotic. Rachel and the other Glee girls asked their boyfriends to confront David Karofsky, demanding that he stop messing with Kurt. That didn't necessarily go as planned because after Dani had gone and asked her brother to leave one of her best friend's alone, Mike, Artie and Sam got into a fight with him in the locker room. And on top of everything, Finn wasn't there so everyone gave him crap for not stepping up for his future step-brother. 

"I have the perfect idea. After you walk your mom down the aisle, and give her away to my dad..."

Finn grimaced at the thought, interrupting Kurt, "Incredibly creepy."

The Cheerio lightly smacked the quarterback on the arm, smiling at the sentiment, "No, it's sweet."

Continuing as if neither Finn nor Dani interjected their comments, Kurt finished his idea for Finn's special thing, "And give your speech to the newlyweds...which I will write, although you are free to suggest overall themes...you and Carole will have a lovely mother-and-son dance in front of everyone."

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