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After Spanish class with Señor Martinez, Dani and Finn left behind Rachel and Nathan. If Finn hadn't noticed Rachel, walking backwards through the crowded halls of McKinley, she would have walked straight into Dani. However, Rachel kept walking as though she did nothing wrong. Dani waved at Rachel, snapping her out of her inner monologue, "Why the Hell are you walking backwards? You almost ran me over."

Rachel's eyes grew wide when she met Dani's, seeing her friend as a metaphor for what could harm her before her NYADA audition, "Listen Danger-Dani, I have some superstitions before auditions. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Okay, fine I guess. Go about your craziness, hope you don't hurt yourself," Dani laughed, watching Rachel continue about her backwards walking as their classmates dodged and weaved out of her way. 

Finn watched the brunette round the corner backwards, "She's something else..."

Dani snorted in agreement, teasing the two football players in her company, "And you dated her. And you, James Dean, are about to make her your wife."

Nate raised his hands up in surrender, laughing along with the other two, "Hey I may be supporting her to her face, following her stupid rules but I think this is nutzo too."

Kurt and Blaine joined the trio in the hall, glad to find Dani before lunch started, "Hey, I want you and Blaine to give me feedback on my NYADA audition performance. Are you free to come meet us in the auditorium?"

"Yeah of course, let's go."

Before she turned to leave, Finn called after his girlfriend causing all three of them to turn and face him and Nate, "Hey, you passed Ms. Doosenberry's European Geography class last year right?"

"Yeah, why?"

Nathan thanked God that she did before sending them on their way for Kurt to rehearse for NYADA, "We'll tell you later."

Kurt took the candlelit stage, singing "The Music Of The Night" from Phantom of the Opera with Tina acting as his Christine. Seeing as he's been rehearsing his song since he'd received his NYADA Finalist letter he knew exactly how many candles he wanted on the stage, how to maneuver around them without setting the auditorium ablaze, and that he needed Artie to enhance any visual effects he could do to supplement the performance. Kurt was amazing and the two in the audience made sure to tell him as much after he'd finished.

"Fantastic! I loved it."


Kurt frowned, not feeling the same way about his performance as his friends did, "I don't know. My entire future is riding on this audition. It has to be perfect. What if I sequin my cape? Or if sing it in German? Or if I did it in the nude?"


Dani chuckled at Kurt's sudden urge to change his perfect performance, "You're kidding right?"

"I'm serious. I've always been ahead of the curve, and my audition needs to show that. And right now it-it's too safe, it's too predictable, it's boring-- I'm bored!"

Dani sighed, trying to convince him that it was perfect, "I think you're overthinking it."

Tina quietly tried to get Kurt's attention as her foot tingled as she lost feeling in it, "Excuse me, my foot fall asleep. I can't feel it at all. Can I go walk it off?"

"Yeah, sure, just don't go far. And thanks. Okay. I'm starting from scratch. I need something fresh. I need something edgy, something completely unpredictable. Or maybe I just need more candles."

"Oh, God, no."

After a conversation with Ms. Doosenberry about the upcoming European Geography test, without any explanation Puck claimed the attention of the Glee Club by singing Alice Cooper's "School's Out". Many of his classmates watched the unprecedented performance in confusion whereas others were grateful for the different genre for once. At the end of the song, Puck laid his electric guitar on the ground and flicked his wrist downward as though he were throwing something. 

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