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Dani saw Brittany sulking down the hallway, walking in the opposite direction of Principal Figgins' office. She quickened her pace to meet her friend at her side, linking her arm through Brittany's, "Madame President, why do you look so sad?"

"Principal Figgins said that because of how I've done nothing during my term, that if I don't do something fast mine will be the last term McKinley ever sees."

Dani knew that Brittany's term as student body President had only consisted of writing a  note in crayon about drilling, remembering the many conversations where Kurt cursed Rachel Berry for stuffing the ballot boxes and ruined his chances of being President. And in addition to Brittany's lacking term, she had a shocking 0.0 GPA so she really needed a win. "Okay, so what can we do to fix that? How can I help?"

"I have to help plan Prom. Can you help me?"

Dani chuckled, nodding as Brittany rounded the corner, "Lead the way."

When the two blondes find the Prom Committee Meeting waiting for them in the French classroom, they find three people neither of them had never seen before. One bigger, brunette girl with glasses, a Ginger boy who dresses like Mr. Schue, and another brunette who dressed like Rachel Berry and her clothing choices from 2009. 

Brittany frowned at the Prom Committee, "Okay. I don't know who any of you guys are."

"Oh, we're the Prom Committee. We've been meeting since September."

The off-brand Rachel lookalike signed at the student body President, rolling her eyes at the Cheerio as she looked down at her supplies sitting on the desk in front of her, "We've sent you 14 memos."

Brittany's eyes widened, biting the inside of her cheek, "Did you get my memo about drilling for babies?"


Brittany released a relieved look, mumbling in Dani's ear, "Good. 'Cause that's not the solution to soaring gas prices."

The red head gave the Cheerio a look of confusion, wondering if she had made a joke or was being serious, "We're a little behind schedule, but we think we have a great theme for this year's prom."


The brunette with a bob got out of her seat, showing the two blondes their model of what they'd envisioned for this year's Prom, "This year's prom theme is... Castles in the Clouds."

Dani examined their diorama, despite her first thought being that it was a very generic theme she liked their plan for it, "Nice."

"I like your unicorns; Those are great. But I'm gonna have to say never, 'cause there's no way I'm ever gonna let that happen. Castles are very heavy, so putting them on clouds would be extremely dangerous. I seriously think the three of you should be put in jail."

Dani choked on her laughter at Brittany's declaration that the three should be jailed. The red head quickly offered another theme, trying to please the Cheerio, "Okay. Um, what about... Stairway to Heaven?"

"Not unless we also build escalators to heaven for the disabled students. Plus, I'm not really sure if they're even allowed into heaven. It's clear that the three of you are incompetent fools, possibly some sort of terrorist cell. So, as president, I'm gonna decide what the prom theme is going to be this year. And I think... that it should be... Dinosaurs."

Though it may be the oddest Prom theme to date, Dani gave her friend a supportive smile, "Cool, I dig it."

However the red head boy seemed really interested in the theme, gasping as the other two on the Committee rolled their eyes at the suggestion, "Dinosaurs?!

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