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Mr. Schuester was hopeful, he had a plan to explore the voices his ragtag group of ten had to offer. Sure of his decision, he started passing out sheet music to the Glee Club.

But of course, he couldn't please everyone. And by everyone, he couldn't please Rachel Berry. Rachel thoroughly inspected her sheet music, finding herself at a loss when she saw the part she was given, "Excuse me, this isn't the right key."

"No. It's actually the right key."

"No, no, this is the alto part."

Dani looked between her sheet music and Quinn's, seeing that the key didn't change with what voice part you sang, before she realized that Rachel was just being dramatic about not being handed the solo. Will nodded, handing Tina Cohen-Chang the soprano sheet music, "Yep. Tina's doing the solo."

Rachel Berry was horrified by the sentence she heard, hurt to hear that someone else got the solo, "I'm sorry, there must be some sort of mix up. I thought I made it very clear that anything from "West Side Story" goes to me. Maria is my part! Natalie Wood was a Jew, you know. I've had a very deep, personal connection to this role since the age of one."

"She makes me want to scratch my own eyes out whenever she talks," Santana sneered in a hushed tone to her three friends, earning snickers from the three blondes.

Ignoring the snide comment from the Cheerio, Mr. Schue tried to explain his decision to the sophomore, "Well, I'm trying to shake things up a bit. Get us out of our boxes."

"You're trying to punish me," Rachel whined, feeling the karma creeping upon her after the events of last week. But it wasn't only about her causing Mr. Schue's temporary disappearance from Glee, spurring the extremely short lived acapella group he formed, it was also the fact that he gave Quinn Fabray her solo in "Don't Stop Believin'".

"I think you're being irrational."

"I think you're being unfair!" the brunette shrieked, earning multiple sets of rolled eyes in response.

Will took a deep, cleansing breath, trying not to lose his patience with the sophomore, "I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might have been happy about getting her first solo."

"Tina knows how much I respect her and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria."

Mercedes interrupts Rachel's complaint and jaded insult after having looked at the sheet music, "Wait... I'm a Jet?"

Rachel, pissed that she didn't get her solo, childishly storms out of the room. Artie watched her storm out, saying what everyone was thinking, "The more times she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has."

"Congratulations, Tina." Will watched his students begin to converse and review the sheet music, then mumbled to himself in a defeated manner, "This is going well."

"Isn't this the musical that drew parallels to Romeo and Juliet?" Dani hummed to herself, looking at the accompaniment sheet music over the band member's shoulder.

The cellist turned his head to look at the cheerleader, confused why she was looking over his shoulder, "Umm.. I think so. I don't mean to be rude or anything but why aren't you looking at your own sheet music, that has the words on it?"

"Oh, right," Dani chuckled, taking a step away from him and back toward her teammates as they were congratulating Tina for being given the solo. "Most people don't know this about me but I also play the cello. So, I was just curious how complex the accompaniment was."

"That's cool, it's actually pretty easy if I'm being honest. Uh, well you should probably pay attention," he chuckled, seeing that Mr. Schue was watching their conversation. Before the Cheerio completely crossed the room to sit with the other girls, he caught her attention, "Hey, my name is Jake by the way."

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