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Sam Evans ran down the crowded hallways, maneuvering past an arguing couple at their lockers, trying to catch up with his friend. He was manic to say the least, he knew after Quinn's crazy story about saving Finn's life something was up and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep his girlfriend. His dad taught him two things about girls: take them hunting or be completely rock n' roll. "Dani, I need your help!"

The junior turned to see her manic friend and instantly felt guilty for not telling him the truth about Finn and Quinn, but she didn't want to be the one to break Sam's heart especially if Quinn wasn't going to leave him for Finn, "Of course."

"Who's the most rock n' roll person you can think of?"

Thinking the question was a joke, Dani laughed as she answered the first pop star she could think of, "Justin Bieber."

However, Sam didn't take the joke, not hearing the dripping sarcasm that laced the name of the teen heartthrob that has stolen the hearts of thirteen year olds around the world. Sam hugged the girl tightly, "Oh, my God yes! You are a genius Dani, thank you!"

As the sophomore ran down the hallway, digging a comb out of his pocket as he neared the bathroom Dani laughed, realizing that Sam took her sarcasm way too seriously, "I was kidding! Sam, wait you don't think I was being serious do you?"

"You okay?" Finn's laughing voice inquired, turning Danielle at the sound of his voice. Finn smiled down as she stuffed her hands in her cardigan, "You're yelling in the middle of the hallway."

Since Valentine's Day Dani was doing her best to stay away from Finn because she couldn't look at him without remembering how hurt and confused the whole Finn and Quinn thing made her. Dani looked down the hallway seeing Brittany push Artie into the choir room, starting towards the door, "Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine. I just think Sam took my joke way too seriously."

When all the New Directions entered the choir room, they found Sue Sylvester seated in the back row. Apparently Becky Jackson found Coach Sylvester's notebook and her very short suicide note saying 'GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD', leading to Mr. Schue and Miss Pillsbury finding Sue in her house after attempting suicide by vitamin gummies. Tina looked over her shoulder, sending a glare to the cheerleading coach known to bully each and every one of them, "This can't be happening."

Artie couldn't help but agree, rolling himself towards Dani and Santana seated across the room, "Yeah, this does seem like a terrible idea."

"Guys! It's not up for discussion, okay? Now it's no secret that Coach Sylvester has taken her licks."

Santana and Dani shake their head, smirking at each other as they mumble, "I mean... just wanky."

The New Directions and Sue Sylvester all look at the former Cheerios, confused by the action. Everyone knew that the pair was half of the Unholy Four, however they had always known the pairs of that group to be Quinn and Dani and the other being Santana and Brittany. Since Sectionals Dani and Santana spent quite a few more hours together, talking about things that they would normally share with their other best friends but felt more comfortable sharing it between the two of them. Since then the two have picked up the other's mannerisms and it somewhat scared their other friends.

Ignoring the commentary from Dantana, the pairing's nickname given by the New Directions, Mr. Schue continued in the reasoning behind his and Miss Pillsbury's idea to integrate Sue, "And I believe that she could use a little sympathy from us."

Mercedes looked appalled by the suggestion, much like the other members of the Glee Club, sneering at Sue's presence in the corner, "Sympathy? From us? Nuh uh."

Quinn glared at her old coach, remembering the countless events Sue Sylvester has been horrible to the students of McKinley High, "Yeah, all she's ever done is make our lives miserable."

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