The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

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"I'm bored. ladies, I am at a loss. Brittany, please remind me of how I single-handedly put cheerleading on the map," Sue told Britt after having the cheerios do a number to Katy Perry's "California Girls".

Britt thought about it, "In 1979, you directed a made-for-tv movie about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders called the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders."

"That is correct, and in the meantime, what's changed?"

Quinn fixed her blue wig, answering Coach Sue's rhetorical question, "Personal grooming habits?"

"Personality?" Dani suggested, scratching her forehead because her blue wig was super itchy.

Sue Sylvester glared at the two Cheerios, "What's changed is I have completely lost interest and, ladies, I blame you. Becky, more silicone falsies." Becky hands the Glee girls each a set of chicken breasts. "You will each enhance your bust with an additional pair of chicken cutlets in an attempt to add some jiggle to what is the most boring routine I have ever witnessed."

"But, Coach Sylvester," Quinn politely chimed, watching Dani shake the chicken breast for absolutely no reason. "This is the most elaborate routine the Cheerios have ever done. We're shoo-ins at Regionals next week, and we're the favorite to win at Nationals."

"Yet I am still so very bored!" Sue groaned. "Even things I used to think were hilarious. Case in point: Sandbags slap yourself with a chicken cutlet. Now slap Brittany. See? Not even a chuckle."

Quinn rolled her eyes at the other parts of the Unholy Four, "The problem is you keep trying to make a bigger and bigger spectacle. No matter how hard we try, we can't make a routine work unless you find a way to make it interesting for you. You have to find a way to top yourself."

"Q, you just may have a point. But to be sure, slap yourself with a chicken cutlet."

After watching the head Cheerio slap herself across the face with her chicken cutlet, Dani couldn't stop laughing. The laughing didn't stop when Quinn shot daggers at her, Dani clutched her sides, "I know it shouldn't be funny but it is." Then Quinn smacked the last member of the Unholy Four across the face with the chicken, making everyone else laugh as Dani grabbed the side of her face, "Ouch, mean."

Sam found Dani at her locker on Monday morning, handing her one of his Pop-Tarts as she greeted him, "Your brother is trying to fight us Glee guys, more specifically Finn. I think he's taking his anger out about you and him fighting on Finn because he's one of your best friends."

The Cheerios shrugged, closing her locker as she took a bite of the cherry Pop-Tart, "Well he shouldn't have chased Kurt away. He crossed a line and I really don't know if I'm ready to forgive him yet."

"You really care about us that passionately, that you'll denounce your brother?"

The junior nodded, confirming his inquiry as they walked past her brother and Azimio Adams, "He may be related by blood but you're my family from love. I'd cross Hell's fire for you guys."

Rachel Berry came skipping down the hall, walking straight to the blonde duo that were headed toward the choir room. In the few weeks that have passed since Finn broke up with her, Dani has done her very best to stay away from Rachel because she knew how much it would bother Finn. "Hey Dani, I wanted to see if-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there, Rachel. We're friends and all but what you did to Finn because you were pissed that he slept with Santana when you two weren't even together, might I add, was a terrible thing to do. I never expected you to do something like that. So out of friendship to Finn, you and I can't really hang out right now because you really hurt him."

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