Yale University

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Since May, since the two McKinley High alums left Lima, Ohio, Dani Karofsky and Quinn Fabray had been inseparable. Granted they were in a new state, attending a new school with new people, but anytime they had the opportunity to be together they were. Between their classes and Dani continuing her physical therapy through the school's athletic trainer, they had quite a bit of time to explore New Haven, Connecticut and make themselves acquainted with the place they would call home for at least the next four years.  

However, the music major was not as happy to be in New Haven as Quinn was, still beyond furious and hurt by her last interaction with Finn Hudson. And the fact that he hadn't made any attempt to reach out to her or return any of her calls or letters, made it that much worse. 

"How much longer are you gonna walk around here pissed because Finn joined the Army to get you to come with me?" Quinn hummed, having watched Danielle sulk for the past four months through their move into their dorm room and start of school.

Dani looked up from her cello, having the large instrument laying across her lap as she contemplated practicing for the third hour that day, to meet her best friend's gaze, "I'm allowed to be pissed, Q. He basically broke up with me just to get me to leave and the jerk won't return a damn call."

"I guess he's trying to give you space. Dans, you wouldn't have come if he hadn't. And don't try and tell me otherwise," Quinn groaned, seeing the time on her watch and began to gather her supplies for their Psych class in thirty minutes.

"Fine, maybe you guys were right. I would have stayed in Lima if he wanted or gone to a school I didn't want to go to just to make him happy. But it didn't make how he did it okay. You and him went behind my back, told my parents and Yale that I would be coming and all but put a gun to my head to get me on the damn train."

Quinn held the door open to let Dani out into the hall, locking their door behind them as she followed her roommate out of Bingham residence hall and into the crisp September air, "I know you don't like how we did it. But I don't regret doing it for one minute because being here with you has been the best and I have a really good feeling about this. Don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. I guess it's time to get over it and stop moping. I really have been pissy since we got here, haven't I?" Dani laughed, pulling her messenger bag tighter on her shoulder.

"Yes, yes you have. But don't worry, I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me later," Quinn giggled as they walked through campus toward their Psychology class.

Dani smirked, pulling her arm through Quinn's, "Oh, I look forward to it."


Dani looked up from her latest updates on Glee Club from Sam Evans, Blaine Anderson and Madi Hernandez-Garcia, seeing a tall brunette taking the open seat at the table beside the one she and Quinn were currently sitting at. Something about the young man rang familiar to the blonde but she couldn't quite place it, so she simply just reciprocated the greeting with a small smile before returning to her conversation with Quinn about how Blaine and Sam ran for student council against Brittany and Artie and how Brittany had been kicked off the Cheerios only to do a Britney Spears type of downward spiral and almost shave her head.

Perhaps he was eavesdropping on purpose but the brunette seated beside them had overheard the name of their alma mater and realized why the two blondes were familiar to him. He leaned over, getting their attention before their professor arrived and would start the lecture, "I'm so sorry to interrupt and I didn't mean to eavesdrop but did you just say you went to McKinley High School?"

"Um.. yeah..." Quinn hesitantly confirmed, sharing a look with Dani, somewhat concerned that this strangely familiar brunette was interrupting them to ask about where they went to high school.

"I'm Jake, I think I went to school with you a few years ago. I played cello for the Glee Club when it first started."

Dani's jaw dropped, instantly recognizing the McKinley High Jazz Band's original cello player. The thought of his whereabouts had briefly run through her mind after they'd returned to Glee Club junior year and the Jazz Band had a new cello player but since no one even remembered his name she dropped the subject and forgot about him. "Oh my God! Um.. wow, Jake, hi. It's been so long. How have you been?"

The brunette chuckled, relieved to know that he wasn't insane and the two seated next to him were in fact Dani Karofsky and Quinn Fabray from his days at McKinley High, "I've been good. I transferred to a private school for the last half of high school. But how have you guys been? I haven't seen you guys since Quinn was-"

"Yep, it's really been a while," Quinn loudly laughed, cutting him off before he could announce to an entire lecture hall full of students who did know her in high school about her teen pregnancy. 

"We've been good. Glee Club actually won Nationals last year so we had a pretty eventful senior year," Dani informed him as their professor entered the hall, scribbling his name under 'INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY'.

"Can I just say that was the weirdest thing to have happened since we got here?" Quinn laughed, fixing her headband as they walked through Old Campus Courtyard on their way back to Bingham.

Dani snorted loudly, agreeing that that encounter with Jake was quite odd, "Yes, like he seemed a little too interested in getting to know us after class. All I want to do is get back to Bingham because it's all the way in Old Campus, but no he had to sit there and ask question after question about Glee Club."

"Maybe he likes you," Quinn teased, smacking Dani's swinging ponytail as they finally reached Bingham Hall.

"Not interested. But you wanna know what I am interested in?" Dani huffed, trudging up the stairs to their dorm. "I'm interested in finding the bastard who housed us so damn far away from the School of Music because I hate walking all that way for my classes."

Quinn chuckled at her grumbling, lightly pushing her best friend out of the way to unlock their door, "Well good thing you've only gotta walk that far twice a week."

Quinn and Dani each went into their rooms to do the reading for Psych and any other readings that their classes may have assigned that week. Being a music performance major, a lot of Dani's classes consisted of keyboard and auditory proficiency and theory and performance classes. So a lot of her time was spent out of Quinn and her other roommate's way, working on music as Quinn took different courses as she tried to find a major. 

Later that evening Quinn came into Dani's room, stopping her latest attempt to finish her music theory reading for her next class with the announcement that she knew how Dani could make up for being pissy for the past few months. Dani smirked, cocking an eyebrow at the blonde as she tossed her composition notebook onto her desk, "Oh so that's how this is happening? If I'm being completely honest, I didn't think that was where you were going with that."

"What do you have a problem with it?" Quinn asked, sitting beside Dani on her bed.

Dani shook her head no, "No, I just didn't expect it."


With a knock at their front door, the blondes snapped their heads in the direction of the door that  houses their dorm room. They walk out of Dani's room into the common area, both interested at who would be trying to get into their room at nine in the evening.

Dani unlocked the door, looking over her shoulder at Quinn who was pouting, "It's probably just Jess, she keeps forgetting her-"


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