Extraordinary Merry Christmas

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"What do you want for Christmas?"

Dani rolled her eyes at the question as she opened her locker to shove her textbooks in before Glee, but when she looked up at Finn she realized he was serious, "Wait, you're really having a hard time finding me a present?"

"Yeah, this is our first Christmas together as a couple and I want it to be special. I don't want to mess up and you are a really hard person to shop for," the brunette whined, grabbing the Christmas ornament they bought for the Glee Christmas tree off the top shelf.

"No, I am not. I don't really care for presents, it's the thought that counts. It's not like I'm Rach, who gave Nate a list full of things."

Finn grimaced at the thought of purchasing any of the items Rachel put on the list for Nathan, "But I have no idea what to even get you because you never even say you want things."

Dani saw a mohawked friend of theirs pass them in the hall, calling after him to prove a point to Finn, "Hey Puckerman?"

Puck turned on his heel, backtracking to stand at the Cheerio's side, "What up?"

"If you were to get me something for Christmas what would it be? Purely off knowing me, not putting any extra thought into it," she instructed, seeing Finn waiting for Puck's answer.

Puck shrugged, pointing at her wrist, "Maybe a charm for that bracelet you never take off."

Smiling triumphantly at her boyfriend, Dani thanked Puck, "Thanks Puck, that's all. We'll see you in Glee."

Finn pouted down at the blonde, watching their friend make his way through the crowded hallways toward the choir room, "Okay that was a lucky guess."

Dani snorted, shutting her locker and taking the Quarterback by the hand and following Puck's path to the choir room, "Nope, you're just overthinking it because you want it to be special and I appreciate it but I have everything I want this year so whatever you get will be icing on the cake. Now, lets go decorate that Christmas tree."

The reunited New Directions all gathered in the choir room, decorating their Christmas tree while Mercedes led them in singing Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas". Mercedes climbed up on the ladder, dangling a mistletoe plant over Rachel and Nathan's head.

Rachel pressed a kiss onto Nathan's lips, smiling at their friends that filled the choir room, "Best Christmas ever."

The next afternoon Dani jumped onto Sam's lap, pretending he was Santa Claus until he pushed her off his lap and into the seat beside him, "You know you're welcome to stay with us during Christmas right? If you don't wanna drive to Kentucky."

"I know and I'm extremely grateful that you guys have let me crash there but I really wanna see my family," the junior explained, resting his head on top of hers as she laid it sadly on his shoulder.

Dani frowned, watching the door as their classmates file into the room,"Okay, I'll just have to give you your present when you get back then."

Finn led Rory into the choir room, raising his voice to be heard over the scattered conversations, "Hey, everybody, listen up. My man, Rory Flanagan here, wants to say a few."

"Thanks, Finn Hudson. So, guys, my mummy was going to come visit for the holidays, but plane tickets are expensive, so it's my first Christmas without any family. I'd like to cheer myself up by dedicating this song to them... and to the King."


As the band started playing "Blue Christmas", Nathan leaned forward to whisper in Kurt's ear, "I think he means Elvis, Kurt."

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