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"Can we be friends again? I'm sorry about everything, I just care about you," Finn apologized, finding Dani and Quinn at their lockers.

Quinn cocked an eyebrow in response, not knowing what exactly Finn was apologizing at the particular moment in time, waiting for her best friend's answer. Dani stared intently at the picture in her locker, trying to remember why she was mad at him. When she recalled him pressing her about Noah Puckerman and questioning why she trusted Sue Sylvester, she realized that it wasn't even worth being upset about, "Okay then."

Danielle Karofsky left the happy couple at her locker, going to her last period before Glee rehearsal to ask a question about the assignment only to find her brother entering the school building with a grape slushie in hand. Hoping that he didn't have the same intent for the colored ice drink that she believed he did, she playfully extended her hand to accept the drink, "Is that for me?"

"Nope, it's for Finn Hudson," he declared, strutting away from the blonde.

Dani ran after her brother, jogging to keep up with him long stride, "Please don't do this, Dave."

David ignored his sister, continuing through the halls with the grape slushie in hand. Seeing Mercedes Jones and Kurt Hummel conversing by their lockers, Dave fakes the action of launching the iced beverage at them. Mercedes sees David Karofsky with the slushie and instinctually covers her head, awaiting the drink to hit her, "My weave!"

Dave continues past them, his sister rushing beside him. Rachel Berry sees the drink too, taking a deep breath as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut, expecting the drink to land on her face too. But Dave didn't toss it at her either. The drink landed on it's promised target, shocking the victim and the two Cheerios. Finn screamed at David, throwing him into the wall, "What the hell, Karofsky?"

"Oh, I've wanted to do that ever since fifth grade... when you made fun of me for getting pubes.

Dani cringed when she heard why Dave wanted to slushie Finn, disturbed that he said it in public, "I didn't need to hear that."

Dave ignored his sister's comment, continuing to chastise the quarterback and his pregnant girlfriend, "Now that you've joined Lullaby Lee's and insperminated the queen of the Chastity Ball... and dropped below us hockey dudes on the food chain? It's open season."

Furious, Finn pushes Dave Karofsky harder into the wall while Quinn tried to help Danielle pull him off, "Screw you, Karofsky! You and your Neanderthal puck-heads are nothing!"

"You're gonna pay for this, dude!"

Dani grabbed Finn by the collar, trying to drag him off her brother, "Finn, get off him."

Karofsky smiled as his sister ordered her friend off him, smirking at the fury in Finn's eyes, "No, I'm not. You two don't have the juice anymore. Welcome to the new world order."

The three watched Karofsky saunter off, smugly, in silence until Finn turns and snarls at his attacker's sibling, "Why are you protecting him, Dani?"

Puck, having seen the entire scene, jumped into the fray, saving Danielle from telling another person about her family tree, "Dude, lay off her."

Puck led Dani to the choir room after she mumbled a small thank you, both sitting on the floor while their teammates slowly trickled into the classroom. Quinn led a corn syrup covered Finn Hudson over to the drum kit, cleaning his face off with a towel, "This is a disaster. Our reputation as McKinley High's "it" couple is in serious jeopardy... if we don't find some way to be cool again, Finn."

Everyone saw David Karofsky slushie Finn in the hall, all concerned that they would be the next victim. Kurt mumbled to Mercedes, slightly scared for the weeks to come, "The Slushie war has commenced."

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