Silly Love Songs

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"Happy Valentine's day."

Dani looked up from her cereal bowl, seeing her brother standing across from her at the other end of the kitchen counter. She rolled her eyes for him to see before looking back down at her bowl, "Valentine's day is on Monday and your shoes are untied."

Dave sighed, looking down at his untied Nikes. He knew he majorly messed up with the whole Kurt thing, he wasn't that dumb, but he really hoped after the months of her being mad at him that she would eventually forgive him and be his sister again. Ignoring his laces, Dave crossed the kitchen to make himself a bowl of cereal as well, "Thanks. But I know you love Valentine's day so... whatever. I know you still hate me."

"Hate doesn't even begin to describe it, D. And before you ask, no I'm not forgiving you anytime soon because you threatened my best friend and chased him to another school. The only way I'll even consider forgiving you is if you somehow make this right and get Kurt back," she spat at him as she jumped off the kitchen counter and laid her breakfast bowl in the sink. 

"Heads up, Miss Grumpy Pants," Nathan laughed, throwing a red bag at her.

However, Dani didn't look up from her book in time. She raised her eyes from her copy of The Catcher In The Rye, narrowing them at the brunette as he took the seat beside her then looking down at the bag that hit her head, "What was that for James Dean?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you in the head. Just open the bag."

Dani closed her book, tossing it onto Nathan's lap before untying the handles of the red plastic bag. Upon opening the bag, the blonde saw a bag of Goldfish and a pen. Sam and Quinn came into the choir room, taking the open seats beside Dani. Sam looked into the bag, seeing the crackers and the writing utensil, "Why do you have a bag of Goldfish and a pen?"

"I don't know, why do I have a bag of Goldfish and a pen, James Dean?" Dani questioned, turning to look at the brunette, catching her friend seated in front of her's attention.

Seeing the four pair of eyes focus on him, Nathan nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck, "Well, I guess I was making it my formal apology for being such a jerk to you in the beginning. So I gave you a pen so when I ask, you'll have an extra. And the Goldfish was to make up for that bag I dumped on your head a while back."

"Apology accepted, thank you for the Goldfish and the pen."

 Mr. Schuester walked into the choir room, heading straight to the whiteboard and wrote the lesson or theme for the week. This week, with the upcoming holiday, the word was 'LOVE' written in sloppy cursive, "All right, guys. I have one word for you." Britt's hand quickly shot up, stopping his momentum completely, "Brittany?"

"Is it 'love'? I'm totally gonna graduate now!" Britt excitedly says to her boyfriend.

"Valentine's day is comin' up, so for this week's lesson I want you guys to pick a partner because you're gonna sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song. Find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up."

Dani frowned at the lame and extremely predictable assignment for the week, leaning over to the couple seated beside her, Sam and Quinn, "Well that doesn't seem fair for those of us that aren't domesticated in a relationship."

Quinn grabbed her best friend's hand, smiling brightly at her while her eyes wandered to another member of the New Directions that wasn't seated immediately beside her, "I'll sing to you."


"Mr. Schue? Can I say something?" Finn asked, taking the floor from him. "I just wanted to point out that, for the first time an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting slushied. I think the fact that I led the football team to a conference championship might have something to do with it. Fact is that I'm the closest thing that this Glee Club has to a celebrity right now and, just like a famous athlete, I wanna give to a charity. You guys. So I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch and donating the proceeds to Glee Club to help us."

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