I Am Unicorn

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The New Directions were playing a card game, laughing at how frustrated Nathan and Mercedes got when they lost that hand until Mr. Schue bounded into the choir room, clapping over their laughter to get their attention, "Alright, New Directions. Big news. As you all know, Vocal Adrenaline came in second last year at Nationals."

 The teens cheer excitedly at the reminder of the downfall of their longtime nemesis, The Vocal Adrenaline. Finn slips his hand into Dani's, looking lovingly as Rachel looked at the couple longingly, "The only good thing to come out of that lost weekend. Besides us getting together." 

 Mr. Schue smiles at the couple continuing his announcement, "Well, the boosters at Carmel don't donate tens of thousands of dollars every year to come in second, so they fired Dustin Goolsby. And they're having trouble finding a new coach. It seems that no-one wants to take on that pressure cooker."

"So handsome," Artie dreamily mumbled at the mention of the former coach of Vocal Adrenaline.

"That means they're vulnerable," Tina gasps over Artie, excited about the Vocal Adrenaline losing their coaching staff.

Mr. Schue snorts at the collective excitement of his New Directions, snapping as he points at Tina, "Yes, and if we work hard enough, we can beat them. Which is why I realize that, umm, I can't direct the musical this year."

 The members of the New Directions collectively gasp at the announcement regarding the upcoming musical, not wanting him to cancel the musical. Rachel shoots up out of her chair, "No, Mr. Schue, you can't cancel the musical. My New York dreams depend on it."

"I'm not canceling it. I'm just not directing it. My sole focus has to be in here. Nationals, Nationals, Nationals! And it's not just me that's gonna have to focus harder this year. I've been too easy on you, so everyday after choir practice I am instituting a mandatory Booty Camp," he writes: 'BOOTY CAMP' on the whiteboard, earning collective groans from the less talented dancers of the group. "So that we can work on our dancing. Now, it's not for all of you. Just the people that I think need help. Like -" 

Finn shakes his head interjecting, knowing that his name was on the top of the 'can't-dance' list, "Finn."

The quarterback's friends laugh at his self-awareness as Mr. Schue continues, "How did you know? And-"

"Robinson?" Nate offered, remembering the first rehearsal he ever had with the New Directions and how he kept accidentally stepping on Quinn's feet and knocking her over while learning the dance routine to "Valerie".

The Spanish teacher nodded, confirming that Nathan was on the short list, "Yeah, you too Nate. And Puckerman, Hummel-"

Kurt gasps, interrupting Mr. Schue as he crosses his arms across his chest, "I must protest." 

Mike and Dani share a look, silently arguing over who should explain Mr. Schue's reasoning. Dani gestures for Mike to break the news, cueing Mike's demonstration, "You kinda have one move, Kurt. It's like this sashay and it's super distracting."


Mercedes jumps out of her chair, both offended and furious that she was required at Booty Camp, waving her finger at him, "What? Hell to the nizzy - no."

"You told me once that you were Beyonce. You don't think she spends extra time in the dance studio? Mike Chang and Dani Karofsky have offered to assist  and we start tomorrow and yes, Puckerman, it is mandatory." 

Puck groans, dropping his hand from the air as Blaine raises his own, "Mr. Schuester, would you mind if I dropped by for a little bit. I really need to catch up with you guys." 

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