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Quinn tried one last time to convince Dani to come with her and Jess, as Dani laid on her bed handing her all of her clothes and swimsuits as she folded them into her luggage, "You're seriously going to spend Spring Break in Lima? Why?"

Dani pushed herself up on her elbows, blowing the strand of hair that fell in her eyes, "I hate Florida, it's 90 degrees in April. And besides, it's home and I get to see my friends and family. Have fun in Alligator Central."

"Fine. But we're not spending summer break in Lima, you hear me?" Quinn demands, making sure Dani was fully aware that they were going anywhere else but Ohio for Summer. 

The music major winked at her friend, clicking her tongue, "Loud and clear."

Dani left for the week the same time Quinn and Jess left New Haven to drive down South to Daytona Beach, driving out West to spend her week at home. When she entered the city limits of Lima, Ohio, she decided to stop at Lima University rather than going straight home since it was still early in the morning. She lightly rapped her knuckles against the door, waiting for Finn to open the door. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes, gasping excitedly when he saw her, "What are you doing here? Isn't it your Spring Break, I figured you would be off in Florida with Quinn and Jess."

She smiled up at the brunette, hearing Puck grumble in the background about it being too early for visitors, "I'd rather be here."

"Have you..."

The blonde shook her head, removing her arms from around his waist, "No but I will. I just need time."

"Take all the time you need, I'm not going anywhere," he promised her as she turned to leave, telling them that she promised Mike she would meet him at McKinley.

Dani found Mike waiting for her in the parking lot, leaning against his car so he wouldn't miss her when she got there. Mike quickly embraced the blonde he hadn't seen in a few weeks, asking her why she asked him to meet her today, "Hey, what's going on? You said it's important."

"I have something I need to talk to you about but you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Mike nodded, holding one hand over his heart and one in the air, "Scouts honor."

After hearing what Dani had to tell him, Mike loudly yelped in astonishment, "Holy shit-"

Cutting him off before he could voice his opinion on Dani's news was Mercedes Jones and Kurt Hummel walking towards them. Mercedes interrupts them by hugging each of them, "Hey guys, I didn't expect to see you guys home too."

"I'm on Spring Break and I didn't want to go to Florida and melt," Dani laughed, making a joke about how fair skinned she was which earned a weak chuckle from Kurt who was home for his father's doctor appointment. 

Mike cleared his throat, trying to hide his emotions about the news Dani had previously given him prior to their arrival as he led his friends into their alma mater, "And Mr. Schue asked us to help choreograph for Regionals."

By the time the four alumni made their way to the choir room Kitty, Ryder and Jake were performing Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours". After practically being chased through the choir room, Artie rolled away from Kitty. She ended the song, leaning against the handles of his chair, "Seemed like the perfect Stevie song to celebrate Artie getting his acceptance letter into film school."

Dani gasped at her adoptive little brother's wonderful news, wrapping her arms around his neck after he rolled himself back to his place in front of her and Mike, "Artie, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Signed, sealed, delivered."

Mercedes frowned at the Cheerio, "Well, you know, that may have been the perfect song, but that performance was just one package that I'm not signing for. I mean, honestly, it was good, but you guys have got to be great for regionals."

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