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Between all the stuff the Seniors in Glee Club are juggling this semester, those involved all collectly agree that Booty Camp was the most tiring. Especially for the few like Kurt and Dani, who involved themselves with the student government elections and West Side Story and the countless other activities they involved themselves in to make the most out of their Senior year. Booty Camp had grown from its original six members, now including: Quinn Fabray and Santana Lopez, who recently rejoined the New Directions and included herself in Booty Camp to convince Mr. Schue of her loyalty.

While Finn Hudson and Santana Lopez were presenting the dance routine they had for homework, Mercedes Jones shuffled on stage. Mr. Schue called out Mercedes' tardiness,  watching her sneak in behind Quinn, "You're late."

"I know. I overslept," Mercedes defends, stepping in line beside Blaine and Nathan. 

Quinn checks her wristwatch, "It's 4:30 in the afternoon."

Mercedes turns to Mr. Schue, explaining what she meant, "My alarm clock went off 30 minutes late this morning. Kind of shifted my whole schedule. Anyway, what's Santana doing here?" 

She points to Santana, who's fixing her nails during the conversation. Santana rolls her eyes, tucking her nail file into her skirt waistband, "I've re-sworn my allegiance to the Glee Club, without telling Coach Sue."

Mike places a hand on his friend's shoulder, motioning for her to join Dani, "Mercedes, we'll catch you up. Five, six, seven. Five, six..." 

The three take it step by step, everyone else watching the trio move across the stage until Mercedes runs to the trash can, clutching her stomach. Mr. Schue rushes over to her, rubbing circles on her back, seeing that she was about to throw up. "Mercedes, you okay?"

"My stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna be sick," she groans clutching her stomach. 

"Why are you babying her? I mean, she can't do three steps without puking 'cause she ate at Quizno's before she showed up in this joint," Santana challenges.

Mr. Schue looks at her, waiting for her explanation on why she feels sick, "Mr. Schue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. With school, Glee Club and Booty Camp, when else am I supposed to eat?"

"When the rest of us do," Santana snorts, earning a death glare from Mercedes.

"Oh, like you eat!" Mercedes growls, stepping toward the Cheerio with a ferocity in her dark brown eyes.

The director throws his hands up between the two before a fight could ensue, "It's not about eating. It's about attitude. Sectionals are coming up, and if we don't give it our all..."

"I am doing my best," Mercedes pleas, interrupting him. 

"No, you're not," the Spanish teacher sternly objects, shocking his students with his out of character bluntness. "It's not about doing your best anymore. It's about doing better."

Dani walked with Nathan to his locker, sparking a conversation after their silent class period of Trigonometry with the insufferable Mrs. Gilbert, "How's football treating you? Enjoying tackling people?"

Nathan nodded enthusiastically as he threw his textbook into his locker haphazardly, making Dani jump as it toppled out off his stack of papers and onto the ground near her feet, "I love football and I love Coach Beiste. But now she's having us football players tryout for the musical, something I didn't want to do because I'm focusing on football."

Dani ignored his complaints about auditioning for the musical, clapping excitedly about the news rather than grumbling with him, "Really, cool! It's going to be so fun. We get to spend more of our Senior year together!"

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