The Role You Were Born To Play

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Much to her surprise, Artie included another phone call this week. However, rather than talking about his latest drama and gossip about the happenings of William McKinley High School, Artie had a favor to ask her, "Are you willing to come in town for your break? I know you have this week off and it's a lot to ask but I'd really love it if you could come and help me get Grease together."

"I mean if I left now I'd be there by tonight, why wouldn't I come?" Dani inquires, knowing that she had previously made it known to her friends still currently enrolled in high school that she would visit them as often as she could which included any extended breaks she may get.

Dead air hung over the line as Artie hesitantly made it known to his adopted big sister the situation of the McKinley Fall musical, "Finn's helping me direct and I figured that you might not want to see him after your fight a few weeks back."

Dani softly chuckled at his sweet concerns about her comfortability with her now ex-boyfriend, throwing her phone charger and a few things she figured she may need in Lima in a bag, "I'll be there Artie. Finn and I are perfectly okay. Today's Friday so I'll be there in time for your auditions on Monday."

Quinn watched Dani take the bag of popcorn out of the microwave, closing her textbook, "Are you sure you want to go back? Didn't you and Finn get in a fight when he was here?"

"I'm not going for him, I'm going because Artie asked me, Mike and Mercedes to come back and help him and Finn with Grease. He wants me and Mike to work on choreography and Mercedes was already in town so she's helping with vocal coaching. And, yes we did get into a fight and we're still sort of broken up but working at getting back together. Starting fresh," Dani repeated her and Finn's agreement, putting a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

"I'm glad you're trying to work it out."

Dani offered the bag of movie theatre snacks toward her best friend, shouldering her bag that sat on the coffee table, "Yeah, I really want this to work because I still love him, you know? But I feel really bad for Kurt and Nate."

"Why do you feel bad for Nate? Rachel had every right to break up with him. He left her, same Finn left you, she was just trying to move on when he showed up," Quinn gruffly questioned, still finding how both Finn and Nate handled their relationships five months ago extremely immature and stupid.

Dani sofly snorted, rolling her eyes at how upset Quinn got whenever she talked about Nate or Rachel, "Fair enough. Are you sure you don't wanna come with me? We do have October recess so it's not like you're missing class."

Quinn shook her head, lifting her textbook off her lap, "No, I think I'm gonna stay here, working on some Psych stuff. Maybe I'll come see the show. Have fun."

"I will."

As Dani closed the door behind herself, Quinn called after her laughing, "Don't come back pregnant!"

Late Friday night Dani arrived at her childhood home unannounced to find her twin brother standing in the kitchen with Sam Evans, who was still staying with the Karofskys at their insistence. Dave turned to see his younger sister standing in the doorway, smiling brightly at the pleasant surprise, "What are you doing in town, my sister the Yalie?"

"Artie called and asked me to come help him with auditions for Grease and since it's October recess this week I figured I would come and offer my assistance," Dani explained, hugging the two of them before pulling herself up to sit on the kitchen counter. 

Sam offered her his plate of mac n' cheese, chuckling as she gratefully accepted his fork and started eating some of his food, "That's sweet of you. So how's the whole "starting fresh" thing with Finn? You guys together or not?"

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