All or Nothing

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Dani blocked the door, keeping Sam in Dave's bedroom before he could leave for the school day. Sam kept his back to the blonde, refusing to say a word to her since he walked in on her and Mike's conversation, "Come on talk to me. You haven't said a single word to me in four days."

Sam sighed, throwing his backpack on the ground, "You lied to me. You said you were nervous about Finals, not that Finn proposed to you."

David gasped at the reason Sam was furious with his twin sister, looking up from his assignment for his business class, "What, Finn proposed to you again? When did you two get back together?"

"Again? This isn't the first time Finn proposed to you?" Sam screamed at the girl, once again blinded by a piece of information that Danielle had neglected to provide him with. 

Dani sighed, setting her jaw as she glared at her friend's excessive anger, "He proposed to me last year during Michael week. But I turned him down so I didn't tell you because it didn't matter, why are you getting so upset with me?"

"Because I'm your best friend and you didn't tell me about it!"

Feeling that his presence wasn't needed any longer, Dave closed his textbook and tucked it under his arm as he tried to leave his bedroom. But Dani stopped him, her face red with anger, "Fine, you know what? I planned on telling you when I told my parents and Dave, telling my family together, but since you're so pissed I'll say it now! Finn asked me to marry him and I said yes! And I don't want your half-assed attempts to convince me I'm too young to get married because I don't want it."

Before either of the men standing in front of her could say anything about her engagement Dani turned on her heel and left the bedroom, descending her family home's staircase and making a beeline out the front door and to her car. She spent the day driving around Lima, occasionally stopping to think or eat, but avoided looking at her dozens of text messages and missed calls from her friends.

Dani finally came home for the evening, quickly walking through her living room to head out to the family shed that she hadn't set foot in since February. She quietly walked around the room, twisting the silver ring on her finger as the hundreds of memories of the late night rehearsals flooded her brain. Her phone started singing the theme song of Brittany's internet talk show, meaning that Brittany was calling her. She lifted the phone to her ear, hearing Brittany's quick and montoone request for her to watch her show before she hung up. 

♪ Fondue for two! ♪
♪ Hey!

♪ Fondue for two!
♪ That's some hot dish!

♪ Fondue for two!

Brittany sat across the small table from Sue Sylvester and Mr. William Schuester, shocking Dani as she watched them interact with each other on her phone screen, "Welcome back to Fondue for Two. Tonight's guests are two sworn enemies who became friends, then became enemies again, then became friends again, then enemies, and then everybody stopped caring. Sue Sylvester and Will Schuester."

Mr. Schue smiled at the camera, "It's great to be here."

Sue scrunched up her face at the fountain bubbling with Brittany's bad fondue, "Oh, my goodness, this fondue smells disgusting. It's like somebody poured chardonnay on a homeless woman who'd been dead several days."

Brittany rolled her eyes at Sue's commentary, moving to her talking points of the interview, "Yeah, fantastic. So, Mr. Schue, is it true that you and Emma are finally getting married?"

"Yeah, it looks like it."

"Awesome. Do you plan on having children, or just continue to have weirdly intimate relationships with high school students instead of children?" Brittany continues, making Sue snicker at the question she had been posing for years regarding William Schuester's relationship with minors.

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