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Dani sat at the drum kit, letting Finn try to teach her how to play the drums. With Valentine's Day approaching the couples of the New Directions were being a lot more affectionate to one another: Mike and Tina were taking cute selfies, Santana and Brittany were dancing while Nathan tried to teach Rachel a few chords on the guitar. Even though he had someone to spend the holiday with, Kurt's slumped on the piano bench as he watched the other happy couples, missing his boyfriend. Mr. Schue skips to the whiteboard and for the second year in a row he writes: WORLD'S GREATEST LOVE SONGS on the board in a big heart, "Okay, everybody, let's hear it for love! Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs. Now, Regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray."

Fearing the worst Kurt slammed his forehead on the top of the piano, groaning "Oh, God, not another bake sale."

Mr. Schue ignored Kurt's pleas, finishing his plan, "If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these "world's greatest love songs" to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom..."

All the New Directions who were members the year prior loudly object, "No!"

Expect for Rachel, who excitedly squeals, "Yes!"

The members new to Glee Club this year looked at the others funny, unsure why they were against it so much. Tina explained on behalf of all the veteran, reminding their teacher why they were in opposition, "Two years ago, we went room-to-room Christmas caroling, they threw food."

"And shoes," Mike reminded her, remembering the high heel one of the teachers threw at them.

Sugar raised her hand, catching Mr. Schue's attention, "Yes, Sugar?"

Sugar digs her wallet out of her pink handbag, pulling out a large stage of dollar bills and tries to hand it to the newly reassigned History teacher, "Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all: Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff when you're rich. So, here you go."

"Uh, Sugar, I can't take that."

As Mr. Schue tried to decline Sugar's offer to cover the expenses, Kurt lifts his head up from the piano, "Take it!"

He reluctantly accepts the money, smiling at the sophomore, "Okay. Everyone, give it up for Sugar for paying for our FinalNet and cumberbunds!"

Sugar raised her arms, soaking in the applause, "I love the sound of applause, even if I have to buy it. Okay, everyone, look under your chairs. Except you, Artie. Your chair kept moving, so I hid your surprise in the wastebasket."

Dani looked up from the ground, seeing Noah's mouth covered in chocolate. Quinn had noticed too, laughing at him as he slyly mumbled, "I found mine ten minutes ago."

"Cute," Dani teased, throwing him a travel sized packet of tissues to clean his face.

" V-Day is my fave day ever. And to help me celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge, ridic party at Breadstix. And I'm naming it the Sugar Shack. And... drumroll, Dani... you're all invited! But you have to bring a date. No single people allowed. They're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world."

Mercedes frowned at the sophomore, reminding her of her current relationship status, "Um, but you're single."

"Not for long."

Dani followed the two tallest members of the student body, reading her book quietly to herself as they gently guide her through the halls toward Nathan's locker. Dani didn't even look up from her book to see a note fall out of her friend's opening locker, mumbling her inquiry as he bent down to retrieve the piece of folded paper, "What's that?"

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