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 "Can I ask a question that may come off rude?"

Dani looked up from Sam's math homework, trying to help him before he had to turn in the assignment, smiling at the sophomore that sat next to them. Dani nodded, taking a handful of Cheez-Its from the Ziploc bag that she and Sam were sharing. 

Madi accepted the cracker that Dani was offering, laughing as Sam silently cursed the person to suggest teenagers must take math, "Why are you constantly eating snack food? Not that I'm judging you because it's great, I'm just curious because with the way you eat you shouldn't look the way you do."

"Hey, I asked her the same question last year," Sam snorted as Dani checked his second attempt on the question he got wrong. "And the answer is it's because she's actually a five year old trapped in an eighteen year old body. Her cupboards are full of Goldfish, Mac n' Cheese, Cheez-Its and pretzels. I should know, I live with her."

Madi looked the Cheerio up and down as she dryly laughed at Sam's comparison, fixing another question he didn't calculate correctly, "So, again I ask, how do you look the way you do?"

"I spend a lot of time in the dance studio with Mike and running with my brother," she answered, returning Sam's paper to him.

After an interesting encounter with his girlfriend, Mr. Schue runs into the choir room, pointing at Finn as he runs straight to the whiteboard, "Finn, give me a drum roll!" 

As Finn follows his instructions, the Spanish teacher fishes a black dry erase marker from the edge of the board and starts writing. As Mr. Schuester wrote a new letter the club attempted to sound out and guess what he was writing, trying to decipher what the assignment would be for the week. He draws a huge question mark besides the two words he scribbled across the board in capital letters, stepping to his left revealing the phrase: MARRY ME?

"Marry me," the club reads aloud together, confused by the question scribed on the board. 

"Question mark!" Brittany and Sugar finish, making everyone laugh before turning their excitement to the teacher.

Madi snickered, shaking her head no before Mr. Schue could explain the purpose, "No thanks, I don't swing that way."

"Yes, I am proposing to Ms. Pillsbury. This is the kind of news that you share with your family, and you guys are my family."

Finn took a seat with his classmates, leaving the drum kit, "Mr. Schue, we're so happy for you."

Santana nodded enthusiastically, "We totally don't think you'll screw it up this time."

"It's got to be perfect. I'm sitting down with Emma's parents to ask for permission, and then this proposal needs to knock her well-washed socks off. And that's where you guys come in, okay? So the assignment for the week is to come up with a proposal number. And you know Ms. Pillsbury... it's got to be perfect."

"Well, you can count on us, Mr. Schue," Artie assured the teacher as they splintered off into smaller groups to construct proposal ideas for Mr. Schue.

Dani looked down at her phone, feeling Finn guide her through the hall by the crook of her arm as she read the messages Artie sent her as they left Mr. Schue's Spanish class, "Guess what Artie just texted me."


Dani waved her phone at him, "Little Becky Jackson just asked him out. Isn't that sweet?"

Rolling his brown eyes at her excitement, Finn nodded as he threw his arm across her shoulder, "Yeah, what did he say?"

"I don't know I'll ask him," she mumbled, quickly typing out Finn's question as she heard footsteps approach from behind as they were calling their names.

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