Spanish Teacher

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After his horrifying performance of "La Cucaracha" on Taco Tuesday Dani found Mr. Schue sitting in his office, looking at the times of the night school that was held at McKinley after hours, "So I have Yale coming to see me on Friday. They said that they were willing to send someone out here to me because I was very promising and they knew I have my Juilliard dance Live tomorrow. So can I reserve the auditorium for after Glee Club on Friday?"

Mr. Schue smiled up at the blonde, watching her take the seat across from him, "Of course, Dani. Like I told you when you told me about it, I am so proud of you. Those are hard schools to get into. And on top of that, you got into Harvard, Princeton and Stanford. You are destined for greatness and I can't wait to see the success that you achieve later."

"Could you maybe be there?" she nervously asked, seeing how happy he was when she asked. "On Friday. I would love to have to be there for moral support and I don't want Finn or Quinn or any of the Glee Club there because it will just make me that much more nervous."

"I would love to. And make sure to call and let us know how your audition went tomorrow like you did when you went to NYU. If you need anything else this week, let me know. I haven't really decided on the lesson for the week but since you're leaving this afternoon, I'm open to suggestions."

Dani got excited, remembering the idea her brother gave her last year. "Okay, don't do it this week because I won't be here but we really need to do a Queen week like we did with Michael two weeks ago. We haven't really don't them justice, I think we've only done one song two years ago."

The Spanish teacher chuckled at how eager she was to do the 70s rock band, "I'll remember that. But that doesn't help me with this week. I'll see you in Glee later, have a good day."

"You too, Mr. Schue."

Mr. Schue still had no assignment for the week so he let the New Directions go their separate ways after wishing Dani good luck for her college audition the next afternoon in New York City. Mike pulled Dani into the dance room, knowing that she would want as much practice as she could get and that dancing helps her anxiety even if the anxiety is for her dancing, "So are you ready for your Juilliard live tomorrow?"

She nodded, propping her head on her hands as she sat in a straddle split, "Yeah, I'm ready but I'm also freaking out because Juilliard does a lot of ballet, which is not necessarily my favorite style of dance but I still like it. And they said come prepared with a few different solos from ballet and modern dancing. And I'm not sure which modern piece to take."

"Freestyle right now, let your body lead you and I'll video you. After we can add some more moves and perfect it before Dave and your dad come to pick you up."

Finn watched his girlfriend push herself off the ground, trying to decide whether or not he should leave them to it, "Should I go? Or can I sit and watch?"


Mike watched Dani start dancing to the first song on her dance playlist. She did a saut de chat across the floor, then dropped to the floor and did a back shoulder roll. After watching her freely dance, Mike stopped the music and applauded her, "There you go, if you do what you just did I have no doubt by fall you'll be in the Juilliard dance studios."

David stood in the doorway, watching Mike and Dani run through the freestyle piece they just did one more time before he took her away. When Dani finished, he cleared his throat to get their attention, "Hey Ellie, it's time to go. We've got a plane to catch."

Mike turned off the music, giving the Cheerio a quick hug as she collected her bag off the ground, "Good luck, let me know how it goes."

She shot a wink over her shoulder, following her brother and Finn out of the dance studio, "Will do."

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