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"I am not normally a deceitful person. Do you realize how hard this is for me?" Dani quizzed Quinn and Tana as she paced back and forth in Quinn's bedroom. She was freaking out about Coach Sylvester's plan to destroy the Glee Club from within, realizing that she had to start manipulating her new friend's to please the one adult who's been in her corner since entering McKinley High School.

Quinn took her friend by the shoulders, ceasing the pacing that was giving her motion sickness whilst watching, "Dani, we know. They're your friends and you don't like to lie. But you promised Coach Sue. And we didn't lie, Mr. Schue's choreography does suck."

"I know but-"

"But nothing, Dani," Santana cut her off, pressing a finger to the blonde's lips. "So relax, soon this manipulation will all be over and you can stop feeling guilty."

Danielle looked between her two friends, realizing they were right, sighing in surrender, "You're right, as always. Thank you for talking me down."

The next day, the four Cheerios enter the choir room to learn the choreography for their upcoming Invitationals. Mr. Schuester counted off, announcing the steps as he demonstrated, "Five, six, seven, eight. Step and step. Step and step. And turn it around. Down and up. And hit, hit down hit."

"Can we stop, please?" Rachel squealed, calling the ten dancing teens to a screeching halt to give her the attention she sought.

Will waved his hand dismissively at the sophomore, trying to continue in teaching the choreography, "You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go."

"It's not my bladder. It's the choreography."

The Unholy Four share a look as Mr. Schuester stutters through his question, "Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?"

Rachel looks to the four Cheerios, mustering up the courage to recount the seeds of doubt they planted into her mind, "It sucks. We can't compete with vocal adrenaline with these steps. You're a great vocal coach, Mr. Schue, But you're not a trained choreographer. That's what we need to be the best. We need Dakota Stanley."

"Just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever performed."

Quinn shot a sly smirk to her three partners in crime before twisting the knife, "Did you ever perform, Mr. Schuester? After high school. Did you even try?"

"I hate myself!" Dani declared as the quartet of Cheerios left the choir room, pointing her finger back at the room they had just departed. "Did you see the look on his face? He was crushed."

Santana lightly slapped the rosy cheeked blonde as she began to loudly regret their decision again, "Dani, stop it. If you can't handle this, just tell Coach Sue."

"She'll hate me."

Brittany squeezed her friend in an embrace, trying to make her feel better, "She can't hate you. You're like a double rainbow, fully of magic, totally cool. And you're super nice and pretty like Cinderella."

"Thanks Britt," Dani chuckled, watching her friend smile triumphantly when she smiled happily at the compliment. Before her more sensible friends could give her advice or convince her to stay with the cause, the bell to their next class rang overhead, "I've got to get to Physics."

At the next glee rehearsal, the nine glee club members sat in the choir room waiting for Rachel to return from her latest attempt to apologize to their leader. Finn and Dani sat down at the piano, Finn repeating the notes that the blonde played as Rachel bound into the room announcing that Mr. Schuester would not be returning.

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