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After leaving the girls' hotel room to discover that Mercedes Jones had food poisoning, Mr. Schue found Dani at the end of the hall running through the choreography of "Paradise By The Dashboard Light". He lightly put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her solo performance of the New Directions' group number, "Hey looking good kiddo! How are you feeling?

Dani leaned against the wall, ignoring the throbbing in her knee, "Like if I can't perfect the choreography for "Dashboard" and we don't win, it will be all my fault."

"Hey, even if you mess up the choreography and we don't win it will not be your fault. Take this moment and hold on with dear life because this is it, right? After this all you've got left is Graduation, so make it count and relish in the moment because in a few weeks it will all be gone."

Between the decisions she had to make, the lost dream and not wanting to grow up and leave her friends and family, Dani wasn't ready to graduate, "I don't think I'm ready for it to be over, Mr. Schue. I don't know what I'm gonna do come graduation."

Mr. Schue took the hand on one of the original members of this Glee Club, giving it a tight squeeze as he pressed the button for the elevator, "Your life begins. But for now, go down there with your classmates and rehearse so we can win Nationals."

"Yes sir," she saluted, getting on the elevator and leaving him on that floor.

Needless to say, tension was high when the New Directions came together to rehearse their setlist. Between Mercedes currently puking her stomach contents out upstairs and Sam getting angry that Puck was more focused on Geography than learning the choreography, everyone was frazzled and on edge. By the time Mr. Schue and Coach Beiste came into the conference room they'd been using as a rehearsal space for the past few days, Puck and Sam were in a shoving match, "Hey, calm down! Hey, hey, calm down! Calm down!"

Watching the boys grapple and try to pull Puck and Sam away from each other, Sugar cheered them on and encouraged the infighting, "Fight, fight, fight!"

Madi turned around and sized up the sophomore, giving her a deadly glare, "Shut it, Motta before you and I have a problem."

"Hey, cool out!"

By the time the two adults could manage to get in between the two arguing boys, Mr. Schue demanded an explanation. Sam fought against Mike's hold, wanting to lunge at the Senior again, growling, "He's studying for geography while we're trying to rehearse! It's bogus!"

"'Cause I already know the dance! You dance like you got your feet caught in bear traps. You're trying to gnaw them off. Like seriously, Dani dances better than you and she's only using one leg," Puck antagonizes, making the blonde lunge at him again only to be caught by Finn and Mike. 

Kurt gets up off the table top he'd been sitting on, waving his phone at Mr. Schue as he informed him about their competition, "Mr. Schue, are you aware that while we're arguing about jazz squares, Unique is being handed the key to the city by Rahm Emanuel?"


"And plus my pillow and my blanket fell into the pool. Disaster," Brittany adds, pointing out the window to her now soaking wet bedding.

Artie stuck his hand in the tin of popcorn, "Look, I think everybody is just a little tired. We've been rehearsing for three straight hours."

Dani nodded tiredly, leaning against the handles of Artie's wheelchair as she shifted her weight onto her good leg to relieve some pain, "Yeah, I could use a break right about now."

"Yeah, and we'll rehearse all night if we have to," Finn told his teammates, not having heard his girlfriend's breathless plea for a break. 

Sam raised his eyebrows at his friend's boyfriend, directing her to sit down, "Dude?"

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